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After a short journey in the limo, the driver stops just past the pack gates and Adam opens me door for me. As I step out into the cool night, my eyes slowly adjust to the darkness and a small children's playground becomes visible, the playground from our childhood. Adam takes my hand and guides me to the swing set and we sit down. I slowly sway back and forth, letting my feet slip in and out of my stilettos. The swing feels smaller than I remember, the chains loosely pinching my hips.

Adam looks over at me and I continue swaying back and forth.
"Why didn't you tell me as soon as you knew we were mates?" I ask without averting my gaze from ahead.
"I think I wanted you to choose me. I knew if I told you, you would've felt obligated to stay and I wanted you to want to come back." Silence.
"So do you? Choose me?" He looks at me with hopeful eyes and I gaze back into his vulnerable baby blues.
"If you'll have me," I say smiling innocently because it was true. I'd choose him forever, over everyone else but I can only hope he'll choose me once he knows the truth. I know now what I have to do.
I mumble, "Adam... there's someth-."
"Do you know why I brought you here?" He says looking me in the eyes, silencing my confessions.  I gently shake my head.
"Do you remember when we were kids, it was the summer before Lola died." I hang my head to the ground. I didn't like to think about her, all my memories around that time kind of dissappeared.
"Our parents were busy that summer with the Lune de sang Riots so they would make Jeffery take us all here and watch us. Up to that point, you'd just been Jude's little sister to me, I'd never really thought about you much until then."
"I was 11 and you were 12." I say, images of that summer flashed through my mind.
"We were here almost everyday but we were bored out of our minds, so your brother thought it would be a good idea if we snuck into the woods and-"
"Hunted wildebeests," I say. "He was convinced he'd seen one after he learned about them in class and managed to convince us all to go find one." We laugh.
"It was crazy but it was better than sitting around watching 8 year olds use the slide. We were walking through the woods and you thought you saw something so you chased after it."
"It was a deer, I saw a deer."
"A creature who's only purpose in our land was to be hunted and it stood in front of you unafraid. It even reached out to you. I still wonder to this day if I saw what I really saw. Ryder and Jude were somewhere else and no-one but me saw it."
"I thought I dreamt that."
"It was real, and from that day I knew there was something special about you. I would always watch you. I would see your kindness and strength and I leant a lot about you... in a not-creepy way."
We laugh quietly together.
"I fell in love with you." I look up at his adoring face and as I look into his eyes, a single tear drop runs down my cheek as my vision becomes misty. He reaches over and wipes the tear drop off of my face, his hand cupping my cheek.
"Don't cry peaches, you're too beautiful to cry."
I push my heels off the ground, my swing moving to Adams and lean forward to kiss him and he meets the distance, his soft lips caressing mine in a gentle tempting kiss. He stands and picks up my shoes between his fingers and lifts me off the swing bridal style and carries me into the limo, placing me on the seat and chucking my shoes onto the floor. He gets in and shuts the door.

Looking into my doe eyes, he approached me like a predator staring at me like I'm prey. He approaches me slowly, his lips backing me into the corner of the limo seat, head pressed against the wall as he kisses me slowly but quickly becomes desperate, pressing me further up against the wall and placing his hands on my hips, slowly sliding them down around my ass and one onto my thigh.

He inched further up my dress until his fingers were petting the dip in my thong. He bit my bottom lip and slid his tongue into my mouth his other hand sliding up the side of my body, his fingers stroking my collarbone until they wrap around my neck and grip. His hand pulls my thong out of the way and his knuckles move up and down my bare pussy, making circles around my clit. My mouth stops moving against his as I'm frozen, overwhelmed by the shivers that coat my body. He removes his mouth from mine, our noses touching, his hot breath on my skin and I moan into his mouth.

The limo stops and we jolt. He removes his hands from me and pulls down my dress. I watch him open the limo door and I follow after him bare-footed but before I can place my foot on the ground he lifts me over his shoulder like a fireman and carries me into house, up the stairs and into his bedroom while we're both drunkenly giggling like teenagers. He throws me down on the bed and is immediately back on my lips, kissing like before. He grips the bottom of my dress and pulls it over my head leaving me in my black lacy lingerie so i unbutton his button down shirt and pull it over his shoulders and he does the rest. I slide my hand to his hips and between his legs feeling his cock harden as I rub it through his trousers. His kisses make their way to my neck, spreading from behind my ear to above my bra line. I slide my other hand down and unbutton and unzip his trousers and pull them down. I gently push him and he lets me flip him over which I know must drive him crazy. Once I'm on top, I slide his trousers off and mount him, rubbing my pussy against his hard cock, my clit warming and my pussy becoming wet. I lay kisses on him while moving my hands down his body across the definition in his abs to reach his boxers. His hands placed carefully, one on my waist guiding my movements, one cupping my covered breast. My hand reaches into his boxers and pulls out his large cock and positions it at the entrance of my pussy when suddenly Adam grabs my waist and throws me down onto the bed so I'm under him. 

He grunts out "No Reine we can't." His cock millimetres away from my entrance. He gathers his bearings and looks down at his hard cock and tucks it back into his boxers. 

"What? Why?" I ask.
He pushes himself off of me and lays down next to me.
"I thought you knew, I thought your parents would've told you."
"Told me what?"
"We can't mate until our mating ceremony." He looks up at me and positions himself on his side. His hand reaches out and strokes a point on my neck gently in circles. "Our first time has to be in front of the pack. We're supposed to mate and mark each other to show strength and solidarity as their leaders."
"What the hell kind of sick tradition is that." I say. For normal couples, mating and marking is a private, intimate thing for them to share but instead of sharing that with Adam, I have to share it with Adam and everyone I know!
"I know it sounds bad but it's really more chaste than it sounds. You wear a long dress that covers it and we keep our clothes on."
"Don't pretend that the thought of fucking me in front of everyone we know doesn't make you hard."
"How else are they gonna know you're mine."
"Oh my god."
"Your mum wanted me to wear her dress. Ew ew ew."
"Yeah that definitely is a boner killer."
"Are our families gonna be there?"
"Yeah they have to be. I know it's bad but they won't see anything I promise. I'll make them look down and buy them earplugs."
"How have I never heard of this?"
"It's a rarer tradition not many packs have anymore, the last one here was way before we were born."
We lay in silence for a while, Adam circling my neck and my inner monologue making a list of all the people in our pack I really don't want to watch me have sex.
"Say something peaches, please."
"But we need to have sex."
"What do you mean?"
"Here." I look down to my stomach and switch on the bedside lamp next to be, lighting the colourful display of reds and purples sitting above my panty-line.
Adams face contorted with an expression I couldn't read and his finger reached out to touch the swelling and he touched gently at first but applied more pressure and I winced and grabbed his wrist to stop his poking.
"I figured it was because we hadn't had sex yet, like a premature symptom of heat or something."
Adams eyes were still on my stomach but his face changed to a stern neutral expression and his eyes were drawn away as he stood and picked up my dress off the floor. "Come on, I'll take you home."
He raised my arms up and redressed me, throwing some shorts on himself while I sat there with an upset expression. He left the room so I got up and followed him down the stairs, tears stinging my eyes. Tonight hadn't gone how I'd imagined but leaving now made me feel cheap and played my insecurities like a fiddle.

When we reached the car, he didn't even open the door for me, he always did. We sat in silence for the short journey, my head facing the window, if I was going to cry I wouldn't let him see but I didn't. I managed to make it home without showing emotions and immediately got out the car and went straight into the house shoeless and broken, Adam not even acknowledging my disappearance, the car quickly leaving after I went inside.

I entered the home and the kitchen, immediately greeted by a surprised mother drinking tea by the kitchen island.

"Honey you're home?" My mother said confused.
"Mum, why didn't you tell me about the mating ceremony?"

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