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We stay like that for the next couple days, him routinely washing and cleaning me, cooking for me and resting with me. He's the perfect mate who I don't deserve.

At least I stopped throwing up and my nose stopped bleeding.

We stayed shut in the pack house for a total of 4 days, Adam tending to my every need and always making sure I was comfortable. News of us being mates spread around the pack like wildfire. Most of the pack were thrilled, I loved my pack and they loved me. A few were jealous, hoping their sons or daughters could've been mated into power but no-one knew what was really happening. It's was normal for mates to be shut in together after meeting, usually having sex, getting to know each other and just bonding but here I was being pathetic and weak while Adam nursed me back to health. What a great Luna I'll be.

My mother and father came to visit once and I see Jude around the pack house sometimes but Adam barely lets me leave bed insisting I need to rest. Even Adams father came to visit. He said he couldn't imagine a better mate for his son. He said that he loved and adored me as if I were his own daughter. The words flickered back and forth through my brain like a shuttlecock giving me a headache and wracking me with more guilt.

I hadn't seen Raphael around except from early in the morning and late in the evening. He avoided me like I was the plague, I couldn't blame him. He probably feels just as shitty as I do.

It's Day 4 and I think I've pulled myself together. I'm up and around the pack house, eating regular meals and the guilt begins to subside which brings on a new wave of guilt about feeling less guilty.

I roll onto my side in the bed and just stare at Adams peaceful face. I reach out and brush his bottom lip gently with my thumb. I lean forward and kiss him gently. As I go to pull away he suddenly leans forward reacting to my kiss pulling me in for another. His hands grab my thighs pulling me onto his lap while I continue to kiss him. As we kiss, his hand strokes my spine up and down giving me goosebumps and making me shiver. We continue to kiss Adam nor I taking it any further until he pulls back and smiles.

"Promise you'll wake me up like that everyday."

I giggle and give him I final peck before detaching myself from him and collapsing beside him on the bed.

"I'm hungry." I say.

"We'll what do you want for breakfast Peaches."

I sigh and roll onto my side. "Do you remember that diner we used to go to, it's a little far but they had the most amazing waffles."

"I remember. Grab a jacket let's go."

We both get up, neither of us bothering to change our clothes, only making ourselves decent and head out of the door and down the stairs.

As we approach the front doors, they suddenly swing open revealing a stressed Raphael, aggressively texting on his phone, dressed in a button down with a blazer and dress pants.

"Hey Raph," says a cheery Adam.

He grumpily replies not even bothering to look up from his phone "Hey." His unbothered, cold demeanour hitting like a dagger to the heart.

"We're going to get breakfast, wanna come," he asks hopefully.

"No thanks," he grumbles dismissively.

"We're going to Sally's."

He hesitates before saying no again.

I decide to speak up. "You should come Raph."

He finally looks up from his phone into my big hopefully eyes barely even acknowledging Adams large arm possessively hanging over my shoulder. "Alright," he says, his stoic neutral expression unchanging and we follow him out the door.

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