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A/N: Welcome! Thanks for reading! If you have any requests for oneshots you can comment them here! Hope you enjoy the oneshot :) Trigger warning: Period typical internalized homophobia. 

Crutchie PoV:

Crutchie smiled as he thanked his last customer. Today had been good. The headline was decent, the sun was shining, and his leg didn't even hurt that much, all things considered.

Crutchie was about to start walking home when a familiar voice caused him to stop.

"Crutchie!" Jack called as he ran towards his friend.

"Hey Jack!" Crutchie replied, "I just sold my last pape."

"That's great 'cause I got a surprise for ya." Jack said, slinging an arm around Crutchie's shoulder.

"A surprise? What for?" Crutchie asked, leaning into Jack.

Jack gasped in mock offense, "Did ya really think I would forget your birthday? What kind of guy do ya take me for?"

"You didn't have to do anythin' for me." Crutchie said. He knew money was tight and he didn't like the thought of Jack wasting any on him.

"'Course I did! Come on, Birthday Boy, no worrying on your birthday." Jack joked, ruffling Crutchie's hair with a smirk.

The pair began walking down the streets, Jack leading the way. The two talked about their days and the different customers they had.

"—so I said to 'im, 'why is you talkin' to me if you ain't gonna buy a pape?'" Jack finished, throwing his hands up in frustration.

Crutchie just laughed and continued to listen to Jack talk about the annoying customer.

Suddenly Jack stopped talking and walking, causing Crutchie to stop as well.

"Why is we stoppin'?" Crutchie asked, tilting his head slightly in confusion.

"'Cause we're almost there so I want you to close your eyes." Jack explained, beaming at the shorter boy.

Crutchie rolled his eyes and muttered, "If you could tell me where 'there' is..."

"Then it wouldn't be a surprise now would it!" Jack said, punching Crutchie's sholder playfully, "Now come on, close 'em."

Reluctantly, Crutchie closed his eyes and allowed Jack to lead him down the busy streets of Manhattan.

Occasionally he would hear the voice of another Newsie calling to Jack. Jack would respond and then they would continue walking.

It was kind of scary for Crutchie to walk down the crowded streets of New York without his sight. The one time he tried to peek, Jack instantly slapped a hand over his eyes and said, "Nuh, uh! No peeking! We're almost there, just a bit farther."

They continued walking, Jack's hands placed firmly on Crutchie's shoulders to guide him.

Crutchie wracked his brain as to where they could possibly be going. His first thought was Medda's theater but that was in the opposite direction. Normally for their birthdays they would hang out in Jack's penthouse or at Medda's theater. Sometimes they would go to Central Park or occasionally buy a cupcake. But that was it. What could Jack have planned?

"All right! We is here! You can look" Jack exclaimed as they came to a stop.

Crutchie opened his eyes and gasped.

The two were standing in front of a horse drawn carriage. The dark brown horse pawed at the ground, causing the bells around its neck to ring merrily. These carriages weren't uncommon in New York but Crutchie never had the money to take a ride by choice. One time, he had no choice.

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