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A/N: Omg two posts in one day who am I? lolll. Anyway, shout out to my friend Dege who grammar checked my Spanish <3

"How do you say... stars in Spanish?" Crutchie whispered, staring up at the night sky. Jack smiled, reaching over to intertwine his hand with Crutchie's.


Crutchie smiled back. He rested his head on Jack's shoulder, scooting closer so they were lying next to each other.

"What about the moon?" He asked, pointing up at the shining crescent above them.

"La Luna."

Jack didn't speak Spanish often, mainly because none of the other newsies spoke it. He would swear occasionally or talk to one of his customers in Spanish but that was about it. It was his first language though and both his parents had spoken it.

"How do you say 'Do you want to buy a pape?'" Crutchie murmured.

"¿Quieres comprar un periódico?"

"Wait, how do ya just say newspaper?"

"Periódico." Jack repeated.

"Really?" Crutchie's eyes widened, "That long of a word just for newspaper?"

Jack nodded, smiling at his boyfriend's reaction. Crutchie whistled causing Jack to chuckle. He loved quiet moments like this, just the two of them on the rooftop staring up at the stars and listening to the sounds of the city around them.

"How do ya say apple?"

"Manzana." Jack answered easily, "Why do ya care so much about how to say apple in Spanish?"

Crutchie sent him his classic crooked grin, "Two reasons. One, I think it's so cool that you speak a whole other language. It's like you got a whole other world in your head." Crutchie tapped Jack's forehead with his finger. "I think it's real neat. Also you sound really hot when you talk in Spanish."

Jack blushed like crazy. He pulled Crutchie into a tight hug, burying his head in Crutchie's messy blond hair.

"Te amo mucho, tú eres la persona más increíble del mundo, mi vida estaría vacía sin ti, y estoy muy afortunado."

"Jack... You know I have no idea what you is sayin'... right?" Crutchie chuckled, his breath warm against Jack's neck. Jack grinned.

"Yep." He stated.

"You're impossible."

"And yet you soldier on."

Crutchie nodded sadly. "I guess it's just my destiny for my boyfriend to be a moron."

The two boys dissolved into a fit of giggles, covering their mouths to try and muffle the sound. Jack shoved Crutchie playfully.

"Ohhh, so you think callin' me a moron is funny?" Jack asked, trying (and failing) to make his tone sound serious. Crutchie nodded, his giggles turning into full blown laughter. Jack's heart soared at the sound of Crutchie's laughter. It was infections and in minutes Jack was laughing too.

After the two of them finally calmed down, Crutchie said,

"Hey Jack?"

Jack hummed in response.

"Do ya... Do ya think you could teach me Spanish?"

Jack sat up in surprise, turning to face Crutchie. "You want to learn?"

Crutchie's green eyes sparkled in the moonlight, "'Course I do. It's a really cool language and it's important to you. Only if you want to teach me though."

Jack beamed, "I would love to teach ya. I don't know how much of a good teacher I'll be but I'se gonna do my best."

"I bet you'se is gonna be a great teacher." Crutchie chuckled, kissing Jack's cheek.

Jack blushed, ruffling Crutchie's hair with a smile. The two of them laid back down, Jack pulling up a blanket over them.

"Jack? Can I ask ya one last thing before we go to sleep?" Crutchie mumbled, his eyelids closing slightly.

"'Course Sweetheart. Shoot."

"How do you say 'you are my boyfriend'?"

Jack laughed softly, "Tú eres mi novio."

Crutchie cupped Jack's face, gazing into Jack's eyes.

"Jack," Crutchie said slowly, "Tú eres mi novio."

Jack's face turned as red as a tomato. Crutchie had one of the thickest American accents he had ever heard and his 'r' sound was too hard but Jack didn't care. Jack tackled the shorter boy, pressing kisses all over Crutchie's face. Jack couldn't stop smiling as he attempted to kiss every single freckle covering Crutchie's face.

"Okay! Okay!" Crutchie exclaimed, trying to squirm out of Jack's grasp.

"That was so cute!" Jack cried, kissing Crutchie between each word. Even in the low light of the crescent moon, Jack could see how much Crutchie was blushing.

"I can't wait to teach you spanish." Jack breathed, planting a kiss on top of Crutchie's head.

"I can't wait to learn."

Jack curled his arms around Crutchie's torso, sighing in contentment.

"Buenas noches mi amor." Jack murmured, kissing his forehead. Crutchie smiled.

"What does that mean?"

"Good night my love."

Crutchie tilted his face up and kissed Jack gently.

"Buenas noches mi amor." Crutchie repeated, fumbling over the unfamiliar syllables.

Jack felt like his heart was so full of love it was going to burst. Crutchie wanted to learn Spanish. Just the mere thought of it caused a big dumb smile to spread across his face.

"Now go to sleep, idiot. It's practically midnight and I think if I try to learn anymore Spanish my heads gonna explode." Crutchie said. Jack laughed.

"Okay, fair enough. Get some sleep."

Crutchie yawned and closed his eyes. Jack followed suit and in a few minutes the two of them were fast asleep, curled up together under the stars.

Jack x Crutchie Oneshots (Newsies)Where stories live. Discover now