Love Sick

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A/N: Hello! This chapter was requested by the wonderful Heyllo101. Thank you so much for your extremely kind comments and for this request. You're the best and I appreciate your support so much!!  It came out a bit more angsty than intended but it has a happy ending and I'm pretty happy with how it came out. Anyway, I hope I did the request justice and I hope you enjoy it!

Time frame: After the strike before Jack and Crutchie are dating.

Crutchie PoV:

When Crutchie woke up, he instantly knew he was sick. The morning bell only caused his splitting headache to worsen as he opened his eyes with a groan.

His shirt was soaked with sweat and he had thrown his blanket off himself during the night. Despite this he couldn't stop shivering.

"Mornin' Crutch!" Jack called, startling the younger boy. He almost always woke up before Jack. He had been up all night, feeling sick to his stomach so no wonder he was so tired.

Crutchie just groaned in reply, covering his eyes with his hands in a vain attempt to hide from the rising sun.

"Woah, are you okay?" Jack asked. Crutchie cracked his eyes open again and was met with Jack's concerned face.

"'M fine." Crutchie mumbled, sitting up. He was hit with an instant wave of nausea and he had to grab the nearby railing so he didn't hurl. Crutchie took a deep breath of the morning air, looking out at the city below him to try and ground himself.

He knew he shouldn't have let Race convince him to eat that gross looking oyster. Now he was paying for it.

"You sure?" Jack pushed, crouching down next to Crutchie and placing a gentle hand on his shoulder, "If your leg's acting up or somethin' you could always stay home—"
"I'm fine," Crutchie repeated through gritted teeth. Jack didn't look convinced, but thankfully dropped it.

Crutchie felt anxiety bubbling in the pit of his stomach. What would people do if they thought he was contagious? He shuddered at the memory of the isolation he had experienced when he got polio and his family kicking him out all together. He shook his head to clear the thoughts. He would be fine. He was fine. Everything was fine. At least, that's what he kept telling himself.

Crutchie somehow managed to get on his vest and haul himself to his feet and into the lodge house without passing out so he took that as a win.

Jack followed Crutchie like a shadow all morning and he tried to ignore his overprotective friend. As much as he appreciated Jack's concern, he didn't need it. He could feel Jack's brown eyes burning a hole in his back all morning as he got ready for the day. Even some of the other newsies started to notice Crutchie's annoyance at the whole situation.

"Geez kid." Race grimaced, "You look like you barely slept. What's up with you?"

"Nothin's up with me!" Crutchie snapped, causing Race to jump. Crutchie gripped his crutch tighter as he was overcome by a fit of coughing. Race cautiously placed a hand on his back which Crutchie instantly pulled away from.

"I'm fine." He gasped, swallowing hard.

Race shrugged and walked off. Crutchie grabbed his hat and followed the rest of the boys out the door.

When they reached the nuns Crutchie politely declined the food, his stomach in knots. He didn't miss Jack's concerned expression as he walked away empty handed. As the rest of the newsies ate, Jack continued to pester Crutchie.

He loved Jack, but at the moment he wanted to smack him upside the head.

He asked if Crutchie was tired. If he needed anything. If he was sure he didn't want to eat anything. If he was sure that he was well enough to sell. Crutchie continued to insist that he was fine, his annoyance with Jack growing steadily.

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