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"Where is Chris Hackett?" Laura stuttered.

Ryan was still aiming the gun towards her so she must be scared.

"Shut up!" Ryan shouted.

"Wow. Rude." She muttered.

Kaitlyn, Dylan, and Abi look like they are in shock.

"Guys. She murdered Kaylee!" I told them.

"We have been over this." Laura sighed.

"Uh, Kaitlyn... what should we do?" Ryan asked.

"Oh wow. Real strong showing on the leadership front." Laura said rolling her eyes.

"I said shut up!" Ryan shouted.

"Oh, no way. I am not getting involved. This is all you, guys. Just... Pheebs I know she wants to kill Mr. H and she killed Kaylee but think about everything that's happened tonight, okay? That's all I'll say." Kaitlyn replied.

"Okay, hold on. You... You said you heard a woman crying? When you escaped?" I asked.

"Why? What do you know?" Laura replied.

"It's the ghost story Ryan told us about, right Kaitlyn?" Abi asked.

"This isn't a ghost story. It's a creature feature. It's really happening, and you're all in it." Laura replied, frustrated.

Laura looked over at Abi and she mutters, "Your bracelet..."

Abi lifted her arm to show Laura the silver bracelet.

"What are you doing?" Ryan asked.

"I'm trying to help..."

Abi takes her bracelet off and gives it to Laura, which she shoves it in a shotgun shell.

"Worst case scenario, this should give you a fighting chance."

"And this will kill them? For good?" Abi asked.


"But what if it's Nick or someone?" Abi said with a concerned look on her bloody face.

"Like I said. Worst case scenario." Laura repeated.

She hands the bullet to Abi. Laura then faces me and Ryan.

"Okay, Ryan, just... put that fucking thing down before you do anything," I whispered to him.

"Pheebs, she killed Kaylee and now she's plotting to kill Chris," Ryan whispered back.

"Just please..."

He looked at me for a minute before giving the gun to me.

I did overreact a bit when Laura told us the story. I'm still enraged that she killed Kay and she is trying to kill Chris but I want her to know that he is innocent.

Laura comes up to me and takes the gun out of my hand.

I didn't do anything because I don't want to make the situation worse than I already did.

"So. Come on. Where does Chris Hackett live... when he's not at camp, I mean..." Laura looked at me. "YOU definitely know. I know this is hard for you since you are very close to him, but I need to know."

"He doesn't live close to here. Maybe like 45 minutes away. The house that the rest of the Hacketts live in is down the road. I just don't want this to happen, Laura." I replied.

The Quarry • The Story About Phoebe King And Ryan ErzahlerWhere stories live. Discover now