First Big Step

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The loud ringing woke you up from a deep sleep. It was the alarm clock. You check the time and see that it's 7:00, you were supposed to be into work at 7:15 and it was a solid 45 minutes drive to your job on the highway. You nervously get out of bed and hop into the hideous uniform they make you wear. You work for a cafe and they make you wear this gross brown and red shirt, a red visor and jeans. The best part of the outfit was the pants. If you had long hair, you had to put it into a low pony tail. That was you. You have never worn such a disgusting color combination in your life. As you were rushing to get out the door, you see a notification on you're phone. It was a message from JC. He usually messages you before work and no matter if you're late or not, you take time to answer. If you don't answer, he usually just blows up you're phone until you do. You slide the bar to open the message and a smile grew on you're face.

JC- "Hey babe, I have a question for you so when you're done at work, meet me at my house and we can talk. Love you always."

As you read the message you get a little nervous about this whole talking thing. The other night, you and JC got in an argument and you had to take a break for a day or two. You have never been so nervous to go see JC in you're life. You grab you're keys and walk out the door to the car. As soon as you pull up to you're job, you run into the building. You get behind the desk like you've been working the whole time. As you're boss walks in, you shoot her a smile as she just keeps walking.

Finally the time comes for you to leave work. You get in you're car and say a little prayer that JC doesn't break up with you. You take a deep breath as you pull out of the parking lot. 45 minutes later, you pull into JC's driveway. You slowly work yourself up to the door and grow enough courage to knock on the door. But right when you were about to knock, the door swings open and you see JC just standing there looking at you.

"Y/N, I need to talk to you and ask you a serious question."

"Okay, even though I'm not very thrilled about this... shoot."

"Y/N I've been thinking about us lately and.... would you want to move in together?"

"Wait that's the question?!? I'm so relieved. I thought you were going to break up with me. Thats why I was so terrified to come over and talk to you."

"What? why would I break up with you? Was it because of our argument the other day?"

"Yes that's exactly why. I thought you were going to break up with me."

"Y/N, no matter how many arguments we get into I will never want to break up with you. Your my everything and I wouldn't change that. So with that, would you move in with me?"

"I would love to." You guys hugged it out and spent the res of the day together. nothing could change how happy and relieved you are right now.

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