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You couldnt take it anymore. All the negative thought from all the fans and all the bad things they were telling you kept running through your head.

"I cant believe Jc would date you"."What was he thinking". "You mean nothing to him". "He never loved you". "Your ruining his fans lives".

Everything they were saying just kept going through your mind. You started crying and you just couldnt stop. You were the only one home and you didnt want to feel this way anymore, You went to the bathroom where your medication was that you were supposed to take one a day for sleeping problems. You filled your hand and emptied the bottle. Some more thoughts were going through your head while you were staring at the white pills in your hands.

"Why do they hate me so much? i did nothing to them and all of a sudden they just hate me. Maybe i really dont belong with Jc and maybe he really didnt love me. Im not good enogh for him and he deserves way better than me. He could have anyone yet he chose me. why? why am i even in this world if im making the fans lives worse and they hate me? Maybe i should leave."

Right when you were about to take the pills, you stop. You hear the door open to the house.

Jc: (Y/N), im home where are you?

You didnt answer him. You could hear him start to run up the stairs because he knew all about the negative messages you were getting from his fans and he knew you werent taking it well. He knocked on the bathroom door and saw you standing there. while he was looking for you, you had swallowed the pills. You had locked the door so no one could get in. He struggled to open the door, you started to get dizzy right when he got to the door. He kicked the door in and saw you sitting on the floor. You were in a daze. He saw the empty pill bottle and his eyes started to get all red and puffy. He kneeled down to you and he started to freak out some more when you were starting to close your eyes.


You tried but it didnt work, you closed your eyes and you started to fall. Jc picked you up, ran out of the house and drove you to the nearest emergency room. You wake up the next night with Jc at the side of your hospital bed. He heard you wake up and looked up with excitement. He looked at you and smiled and kissed you on the forehead while he was crying.

You: Jc... what happened...

Jc: I came home last night and i didnt know where you were, i ran upstairs looking for you and you were in the bathroom with an empty pill bottle on the sink. You were in a daze sitting on the floor. I ran you here and you havent woke up ever since. You scared me so bad. I almost lost the most important person in my life. Losing someone you love is the worst thing in the world and i almost lost the most important person in my life. Never do that again.

You agreed and went back to bed after Jc kissed you and sat next to you the whole time. When you got home from the hospital, Jc cared for you and took great care for you. it has been a year and you have never tried to misuse again.

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