~All About Us~

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       Tonight was the night that basically every teenage girl ever dreamed of, Prom. And not just any prom, it was Senior Prom. Well, I guess you could say that not every single girl goes all out for this one night that probably no one will remember after we graduate. That was me. I am just not the typical girl that enjoys getting all dressed up all the time. Usually I go to school with just casual clothes, a little bit of makeup and my hair up. I just don't really see what the big deal is anyways. The only person that I would really want to impress would be my boyfriend, Jc and he likes me without all that girly stuff. 

But anyways, Prom talk. So prom was tonight and I had my expensive dress that my mother bought me that I will probably never wear ever again, I had my makeup set out on my dresser, and my curling iron was heating up so much that I could see the smoke coming off of it. Mom came into my room and I showed her what I wanted to do with my makeup and she did it. My mom is more of the girly type then I am so she knew what to do. See, I spent a lot of time with my parents but I always enjoyed all the fun things that my dad planned for me and him. No offense to mom, but I loved going four wheeling and laser tagging and all that fun stuff. Mom is more of the clothes and makeup shopping kind of person. I think that's why Jc and I have so much in common, because we both find a lot of that stuff boring. Now obviously I am a girl so I still go clothes shopping, but not as much as all the other preppy girls. Whenever Jc and I were together, we just always have the best time. We have kind of this playful and funny relationship, where we always make fun of each other but we can still be cute and flirty. It was truly my kind of a relationship. He was really always the guy for me. We have been dating for a total of three years. Honestly, they have been the best three years of my life. He makes me feel so special all the time. The only hard thing is when we go places sometimes theirs a bunch of girls that try and flirt with him. I get kind of jealous but he always finds a way to reassure me that I am the only one that he wants. 

So, mom finishes up my make up and now its time to do my hair. I never really enjoyed doing my hair simply because it's just too long. When I try and curl it, sometimes it gets tangled and it just hurts. About an hour later, my hair is done and I realized it was 5. Prom starts at 6 and Jc was coming to get me at 5:30. I quickly pulled on my red mermaid shaped dress and heels. I looked in the mirror, and I was shocked at the way that I looked. I hear a knock at the door and hear mom yell "I'll get it!". 

"Oh hello Jc, come in Y/N will be down in a minute I think she's just getting dressed. And you look very handsome by the way".

"Thank you, Mrs. Y/L/N. Just letting you know, Prom ends at 11 so I will have Y/N home by 11:30." 

"That would be good, thank you Jc."

As I listen to the conversation going on, I just smile to myself. He is such a gentleman. You can't find that in a lot of guys these days. I walk down the hallway and slowly start to go down the stairs. I'm not used to these heels so I take my time. I see Jc at the bottom of the stairs and I must have started to lose my focus, because I started to stumble a little bit and next thing you know, I am literally falling down the stairs. But I feel a pair of strong arms come around my waist and I open my eyes and I see Jc. 

"You are seriously one of the clumsiest people I've ever met, loser." Jc and I start to laugh together. We just kind of stayed there for a minute and looked at each other. 

"I am seriously so lucky to have you, loser." I jokingly say to Jc and he just smiles at me. He places a kiss on my lips and he helps me stand back up all the way. Mom comes out with the camera and we take some cheesy prom pictures. We go to Jc's Jeep and he opens the door for me to get in. 

On our way to prom, we jam out to the songs on the radio and just sing our hearts out even though we both can't sing for the death of us. We showed up and got signed in, ate some food and then the DJ opened up the dance floor with a slow song. Jc extends his hand to me and leads me to the floor. Suddenly as we start dancing, the room feels really empty as we stare at each other. I felt like we were the only two in there and it just felt so magical. We got really close and Jc kisses me and I just felt like I was flying. No matter how long we have been dating, I always get that feeling when he kisses me. In that moment, I felt so important and I felt like I was the only girl in there that mattered to him, and I knew it was true. It was one of the most magical moments ever. 

11 comes by and prom was officially over. I wasn't that girl that wished and waited for prom, but tonight made me feel like that girl and that her prom was just the best it could've been. I am so glad that I have Jc. I wouldn't want to be with anyone else, ever. He makes me feel so special, and lucky, and every other positive emotion I could think of. He is honestly the best thing that could ever happen to me and I knew in that moment at prom that we would be together forever, and that is one of the best feelings you could ever get.

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