Chapter VI: Confirmation

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            I found my mom in the kitchen cooking our dinner. “Mom, is your grandmother from England?” I asked her. I just want to know if it will support the idea Ms. Austin gave me. “Yes, why did you ask?” she said. “Oh nothing! I just need the info for my project.” I simply said. I just hope she won’t ask anything about it. I wish she’ll take my excuse. “Okay.” she said. Whew! Thank God she didn’t ask more about it.  It’s really hard for me to lie. I am not good at hiding my feelings or emotions. Confirmed! It was really the curse and not just a coincidence. What am I supposed to do? I went up to my room, changed my clothes and went to bed. My mind was so full of thoughts; the curse, the incidences, and Sir James. Things kept on running on my mind until I fell asleep.

            It has only been months since I had known that it was the curse and not just a coincidence but it seemed that it had stopped, or I just didn’t notice the effects due to so much problems. Sir James gave us stories but I think nothing wrong happened to me and to my life. “The curse is gone.” I said to myself as I walk along the corridors of the school going to our classroom. I sat in the room and listened to what Ms. Austin was teaching. I noticed that one of my classmates was missing; Casey. She is my friend, quite a friend. My thoughts faded when the directress entered the room and talked to Ms. Austin. I noticed Ms. Austin’s mood had changed. When the directress left, she faced us with sadness in her eyes. “Your classmate Casey passed away this morning.” she told the class. Shivers ran on my spine as I remembered the last story that I had read. It was all about a girl whose friend died for an unknown reason. I simply wiped the tear that had fallen from my eye. “It is my entire fault. The curse is not yet gone. Casey died because of me.” I muttered to myself. Thoughts were running on my head so I didn’t notice the bell ring. “I am giving you your final project for this school year." I searched for the person who was talking only to find out that Sir James was already in the room discussing. Our project was a novel report. The good thing is that we are to choose the novel we like for the project. I should choose a good book; a book with wonderful, beautiful, happy scenarios. After class, I went to the nearest bookstore I can find and searched for a book. “Twilight; nope. Vampires and werewolves may occur. Open Sesame; the protagonist died in the end. Not good…” I kept on searching until I found one, “The Fate Merchant”. “Well this looks good.” I said to myself as I inspected the book. I read the prologue and found it interesting and at the same time, safe to read. I bought it and went home immediately to start reading it. Of course, I want my project to be seen by Sir James as the best.

            I had finished reading the book and I was also done doing my project. I kept on wondering if there’s a scenario in the book that will happen in real life. The school has ended, the summer vacation had begun, but there was still no sign of the curse. “Maybe there is a sign that the curse is still there, I was just too busy to notice.” I said to myself. I was happy because it has unnoticeable effects but I was also nervous because I have no idea on when it will really affect my life.

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