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(   THE   .   GRABBER.   )

emmett watched as baseball tried calling finney and slightly perked up as it rang and finney picked up. "it doesn’t work. not since i was a kid, hang it up." the grabber spoke from where he now stood at the door. finney, scared, turned away from the phone as he glared at the grabber.

"i know you’re scared and you want to go home, i’ll take you home soon. it’s just that…" the grabber stopped and sighed as he looked up at the ceiling. "oh, everything’s all fucked up. i got to be upstairs for a while, something’s come up."

"what?" finney asked, confused on why he was being told this. "never mind what." the grabber said as finney took a step forward, "did someone see something? are the police coming?" finney asked.

"if you let me go before they get here, i promise i won’t tell." the grabber laughed and shook his head as he looked at finney, "it’s not the police." he said. "someone, though? someone’s coming?" finney asked, and his question was only answered with a head tilt.

"i’ll scream. if someone’s upstairs, they’ll hear me." finney said, only prompting a chuckle from the grabber. "no, he won’t. not with the door shut." he said and emmett slowly inched closer to finney. "he?" the boy questioned. "

"with the door shut, no one can hear anything down here." the grabber said, "i soundproofed it myself so shout if you like. you won’t bother anyone." he said and turned to walk away before being stopped by finney speaking.

"you’re the one who killed the others. bruce. robin. emmett" at their names, robin and emmett perked up but they shared a confused look at the first name. who was bruce? "that wasn’t me, that was someone else." the grabber lied and vance growled at this.

"i will never make you do anything that you won’t… like." the grabber said and emmett glared harshly at this, as finney did the same. "if you try to touch me, i’ll scratch your face and whoever’s coming will see and ask why." the grabber only shook his head and lifted it up, bringing his hands up to motion at it, "this face?" he questioned.

"hang up the phone now." he breathed in deeply as finney only clutched it harder. "i was down here once when it rang, ooh. creepiest damn thing. i think it’s static electricity that does it." he paused and emmett knew he was remembering what emmett would say. "it went off while i was right next to it, i picked it up without thinking to see if anyone was there."

"was there?" finney asked and the grabber wasted no time in lying. "no." he said before turning around and locking the door, leaving finney alone.

"help! help me!" finney immediately began to scream and emmett sighed sadly at this, "what did he not get from the room being soundproof?" vance asked, scoffing with his arms crossed. "shut the fuck up" robin seethed as paperboy frowned over at emmett. "what do we do?" he asked, earning himself no answer.

heading to school rn and i hate it sm. i had to decorate my chen notebook but mine looks so bad. i js half assed it lol :/

the grabber   ,   the black phone ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now