Chapter Three

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Cin took pride in her ability to tread carefully on the rocks and pebbles scattered throughout the forest.

It made her journeys much easier when she didn't have to bear witness to the anguished screams of the plants she risked trampling.

Just inside the Western Woods, she hesitated, seeking refuge behind a tree to shield herself from Mendes and Hart's presence. Cin tucked her thick locks behind her slightly pointed ears and let out a sigh.

"Please, don't overwhelm me. I need your help," she whispered softly, aware that her intended audience could hear her as a sudden hush enveloped the air.

Hyacinth...The blades of grass were the first to hiss her name. They were usually the most vocal and served as her anchor to maintain focus. The leaves on the trees joined in, followed by the daisies that adorned the base of the trunks. One by one, the various plant life called out to her, urging her to listen to their messages.

They would only call her name for a few minutes before bombarding her with the news they carried.

"Daffodils." She swallowed hard, her voice catching in her throat. "Where are you, Daffodils?" They were usually the most talkative of all.

Over here, sweet one... over here...they sang, swaying more vigorously than the other flowers. The daffodils dotted the path, intermingled with the daisies. Cin stepped away from the tree she had been leaning against and made her way towards the beckoning daffodils. She knelt down, gently touching their petals, infusing them with vibrant color and vitality. The daffodils let out a serene sigh, assuring her that they would be receptive to her requests.

"Where is the High Lord of Spring?" Her question was direct, leaving no room for misinterpretation or riddling answers. The daffodils swayed even more, invigorated by their newfound life, and then burst into giggles reminiscent of young maidens. The giggle, their method of transmitting messages, spread through the forest, echoing from east to west, from north to south, faster than a flying arrow. It jumped from daffodil to daffodil until the giggle dissipated into silence.

Me now!

I have news!

The flowers around her grew shrill, each one vying for her attention, desperate for the chance to be rejuvenated as well.

The idea struck Cin suddenly, and she spoke with conviction, "Return to whispering, and I will revitalize all of you. I give you my word." The forest descended into a cacophony of hissing, hushing, and excited murmurs as the flowers anticipated being restored to their prime.

Amidst the clamor, Cin strained to listen and discerned the growing laughter, louder than the rest. It originated from the east.

The High Lord of Spring rests beside the Crystal Lake, the daffodils giggled, their voices rising above the white noise. Cin's brows furrowed as she absorbed the news, her gaze drifting upward to the clouds, lost in thought. She had checked on the High Lord months ago, and he had been there. She hadn't expected him to still be there after all this time.

He rests there now, the daffodils whispered urgently, their small voices tinged with rare urgency. If he was still there, something must be terribly wrong. Worse than it had been in a long time. Whatever was happening, the High Lord's time was running out.

"Thank you," Cin nodded gratefully at the daffodils, who swooned in response to her acknowledgement. Rising to her feet, she placed a hand on the tree trunk and declared, "Lead the way."

A cracking and creaking sound reverberated through the surrounding forest. Cin turned, drawn to investigate the source, and discovered that the trees had extended their branches, pointing out a clear route and closing the gaps between them. She had no choice but to follow the path they revealed.

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