Chapter Thirty Four

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 Noon had already passed when Cin finally stopped reading, her attention caught by the familiar sound of the secondary gate opening.

She peered through the iron railing, focusing on Yavanna as she swung the gate wide. It wasn't Tamlin, it was way too early for his return. Instead, a raven-haired woman sat astride a shiny brown horse at the gate. She halted just inside, engaging in a conversation with Yavonna, who shook her head before gesturing toward the Mansion.

Yavonna placed her hand on the horse, seemingly signaling it to stay put. Cin watched as she helped the woman dismount, and then Yavonna pointed toward the heavy oak doors. The raven-haired woman proceeded to walk in large strides up the tiled path.

Cin could hear the woman's boots clinking on the tiles, her pant legs tucked into boots metal tips. Meanwhile, Yavonna led the horse toward the stables and disappeared behind the trees. Below Cin, the woman ascended the steps and knocked twice, forcefully, against the oak doors.

A minute passed, followed by another and another. Just as Cin was about to rise and open the doors herself, they glided open silently, accompanied by Vixra's voice welcoming the woman into the High Lord's Mansion. The doors closed again swiftly.

For the guest to have reached this point, Cin presumed she must have been invited. Yavonna wouldn't have opened the gate otherwise. But, Tamlin hadn't mentioned anything about an arriving guest, nor had he mentioned hiring additional staff besides Vixra, who had already been present in the Mansion during breakfast.

A few more minutes passed before Cin heard Yavonna's whistling from below. Yavonna carried a large box in her arms. Cin closed Iridessa's notebook and called through the railing, "Yavonna! Up here!"

Startled, Yavonna glanced up, shifting the box to rest on her hip. She shielded her eyes from the sun's glare with her hand and asked, "My Lady?"

"Yavonna, what are you carrying? And who was the woman you let in?"

"It's a box of fabric. The woman is a seamstress, my Lady. The High Lord informed me that a seamstress named Sarette would be coming either today or tomorrow. He wasn't certain."

"We need a seamstress?"

"I'm not sure, my Lady. Sarette asked for the High Lord, and when I told her he wasn't here, she asked for you. It appears he sent her to make you a dress." Yavonna shifted the box again. "Now, my Lady, do you know where I should take these? I was thinking of asking Vixra where she's housed Sarette and returning the box to her unless you have any objections?"

"Hand them to Kenai. He should be in the foyer somewhere, looking after Vixra for the day. He knows where the Seam Closet is. But tell him to keep the adjacent bedroom door closed in case Sarette isn't staying. She doesn't need to know about it." Cin called down to her. Yavonna saluted with two fingers and headed to the oak doors.

Inspecting all parcels that entered the grounds fell within Yavonna's duties. She was responsible for examining them before they entered the Mansion and again before they left, ensuring that no items were being stolen by day visitors. This additional task had been assigned by Cin herself, as Tamlin had experienced enough thefts.

Anticipating that Vixra would seek her out soon, Cin packed Iridessa's notebooks, journals, and paintings into their respective boxes and slid them back into the Mansion. She then closed the balcony door.

As she made her way through the study, Vixra appeared in the doorway, panting and coming to an abrupt halt.

" I didn't...want to...shout." She struggled to catch her breath.

Cin chuckled. "Take a deep breath. You've got this."

"There's a seamstress here to see you, my Lady." Vixra inhaled deeply, trying to steady her breathing.

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