Chapter Seventeen

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"Are you okay? You've been lost in your thoughts for quite some time," Cin inquired, peering over the imposing rose-carved throne that separated them. "Please don't tell me that this throne somehow reminded you of the vast difference in our stations, like I'm nothing but a lowly peasant compared to you."

"Don't be ridiculous," Tamlin muttered, finally breaking his silence. He exhaled slowly and stepped off the dais, tilting his head from side to side. It was evident that he was weighing his options before he let out a sigh as if reaching a decision. "I need to face my People. They have suffered and lost so much while I cowardly hid away."

"Is this about the Saorsa Festival?" Cin asked, placing the scrub brush down in the water bucket and drying her hands. She knew he would eventually open up about it; he couldn't be so callous as to keep it all to himself.

"Yeah," he replied, scratching his forehead. Then he lifted his gaze, meeting hers directly. "Cin, I know it's a lot to ask, but I would like you to be there by my side when I do. It would ease my mind to know that at least one person in attendance doesn't despise me."

"Am I reduced to only not hating you these days?" she laughed, aiming to lighten the mood. Her joke was a way to comfort him, and when he shook his head, half rolling his eyes while attempting to hide his amused expression, she continued, "Yes, I will be there. But you should start with Calla. They not only need financial support, but their repairs are taking longer than the other villages. They lack enough able-bodied men and women to keep the village functioning. Although the other villages have sent aid, it's barely enough to keep Calla above the poverty line."

Cin was well-informed about Calla. They had sent every capable person to fight in the wars, leaving only the elderly and children behind to fend for themselves. When no one returned, Calla fell into disarray. In her own effort to help, Cin made sure that if she needed supplies from outside of Clematis, the merry men were sent to Calla for trading, always ensuring they gave more than they took.

Cin glanced around the ruined Manor and considered the daunting task of rebuilding. She then looked at the Great Hall, the most well-preserved room in the entire estate. "Well, I suppose you could contribute to the rebuilding efforts. I don't believe you have any gold to spare."

"What makes you think I don't have money?" Tamlin snapped back, taken aback by her assumption. Instead of answering, Cin gestured to the Hall and the Manor around them, silently emphasizing their dilapidated state. A gleam appeared in his eyes as he leaped from the dais and motioned for Cin to follow him.

Her padded shoes made a soft patter on the newly cleaned and polished checkered floor of the foyer, the black and white tiles standing out against the grand stone staircase and the ornate round glass table positioned between them.

They passed through the foyer and ventured into an almost concealed hallway beneath the first alabaster staircase. It had been hidden, concealed by vines when the foyer was overrun. The three empty frames above the small entrance had likely held portraits to obscure it. "Is this where you hide the bodies of those who have wronged you?"

"No," Tamlin replied, looking back at her, "Just... keep an open mind."

He led her down the dimly lit, narrow steps, barely wide enough for two people to walk side by side. A faint light streamed in from a small window up ahead. With no lanterns or torches to illuminate the way, Cin wondered what could be hidden in this space.

Cin noticed numbers painted on the walls, appearing on both sides of the stairs every few steps. Some numbers were spaced far apart, while others were adjacent. Eventually, Tamlin stopped in front of the number '25.' He raised his clenched fist and knocked forcefully on the wall, producing a faint echo.

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