Chapter Five

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"I'm heading out again. I probably won't be back until late," Cin informed Bron while picking at her breakfast.

"Him again?" Bron asked sharply, his demeanor shifting noticeably whenever the High Lord was mentioned. It was hard to discern what irritated him more—his sister assisting the High Lord or the fact that it was the High Lord she was helping. Perhaps it was a combination of both.

"Yeah," Cin shrugged. "You're welcome to help me."

Bron rolled his eyes but remained silent. They finished their breakfast in utter silence, clearing their plates until Bron got up to rinse his under the kitchen tap.

"You done?" he called over his shoulder. Cin pushed herself out of her chair and handed her plate directly to him.

"Yeah, I'm done." She made a mental note not to involve Bron in her efforts with the High Lord anymore. In fact, she would follow his lead and avoid bringing up the subject altogether. She would keep her activities to herself. She slung her satchel over her shoulders and paused at the door, saying, "See you tonight."

Without waiting for a response, Cin strode out of the house, retrieved her cart, and made her way to the Fountain Square Market.

Visiting the Square two days in a row wasn't her usual routine, but the venison she would trade for was meant for the High Lord's table. Cin exchanged all the herbs she had packed in her satchel the night before, securing enough venison to sustain the High Lord for a week, along with additional ingredients for baking desserts. Loaded with supplies in her cart, Cin began her journey back to the Rose Manor.

"Out again, are we?" Mendes jeered as she passed by. "I wonder what's so interesting out there."

"I'd tell you if it were any of your business," she snapped, increasing her pace. Mendes stepped forward, blocking her path. Ready to run him over, Cin was saved by Quiet Jon, who grabbed Mendes' arm, causing him to halt just long enough for Cin to slip through the gates.

Mendes was turning into a real jerk, and Cin knew she had to inform Bron about his behavior. He needed to rein in Mendes before he crossed the line with someone who wouldn't tolerate him like she did.

With her cart in tow, Cin trudged along the sandy path from Clematis to the Rose Manor. It was a longer route than her usual one, but she didn't have time to arrange rocks for the cart to roll over. Upon reaching the Manor, her next challenge awaited her—getting the small cart inside and into the kitchen.

It proved to be no easy feat, especially with the weight of the food, but nearly an hour later, Cin finally made it to the kitchen. She washed her hands and patted her face to wipe away the sweat that had collected on her forehead, then set to work on cooking the feast she had in mind.

Cin kept herself busy preparing a hearty steak stew, accompanied by cheesy vegetables and freshly baked focaccia bread. Whenever she needed vegetables, she would step out of the kitchen briefly to harvest what she required from the vines still lingering in the foyer before returning to the kitchen to resume her cooking. As the bread rose and the stew simmered, Cin even found time to make rose-petal-infused doughnuts.

It was an hour or two past midday when Cin finally completed all the cooking and baking, and set the table for one. She filled a small container with some of the beef stew and sealed it tightly. It was crucial for the stew to stay warm until she reached Crystal Lake.

She was confident that the food at the Manor would be fine; she had created a small fire to maintain its warmth and instructed the vines to prevent the flames from engulfing the remains of the Manor. Cin wrapped the container in her apron, cradling it against her chest, and hurriedly left the Manor. She practically sprinted towards the Western Woods, which would lead her straight to Crystal Lake.

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