Chapter Twenty Four

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As they strode into Orchis the following morning, a local minstrel filled the air with the lively tunes of banjos.

Compared to Calla, Orchis was noticeably busier. Being the sole hilltop village in Spring, houses were constructed on any available flat piece of land, even if it meant one neighbor could see into another's terracotta-ceilinged home while someone else peered into their living room.

Cin could hear the clamor of heavy hammering and heated arguments as they passed a group of men repairing a dilapidated house. The bickering abruptly ceased as they walked by, and the men openly glared at Tamlin, who maintained a dignified posture, focusing on the bricked street ahead.

Approaching the village center, the number of ruined houses became more prominent. Cin deduced that the builders had chosen a corner of the village to start repairs, gradually making their way across one house at a time.

Tamlin, more prepared this time, anticipated such reactions. He understood that by displaying sincerity, respect, and taking tangible actions to assist, he could begin making amends.

"I'm heading to the Healer's Hub to see if there's anything I can grow that might be of help. Will you be alright here?" Cin inquired as they reached the bustling market, which was livelier than Calla's had been.

"Yeah, I think I'll purchase some water skeins and food for the builders, then see if they'd be open to my lending a hand," Tamlin replied, surveying the market and selecting which stores to visit. He glanced down at Cin and added, "Come find me when you're done, or when you're ready to have lunch, alright?"

"Of course." Cin stood somewhat awkwardly before him, uncertain about how to part ways. Finally, she sighed, turned on her heel, and proceeded down the street that she knew led to the Healer's Hub. After their heartfelt conversation the night before, Cin struggled to contain her feelings. She longed to embrace him, kiss his cheek, shake his hand, or offer a crisp high five. Yet, he appeared to be unaffected, striding into the market as though he had not a care in the world.

Following the guidance of the scattered trees that dotted the village, Cin eventually arrived at a two-story stone building with polished doors—the Healer's Hub of Orchis. It was no surprise that this building had been one of the first to be rebuilt. In times of war and its aftermath, the importance of healing was often overlooked.

Pushing her way through the polished doors, Cin spotted a woman standing behind a tall desk in the front foyer, engrossed in reading documents. Two staircases flared out like wings behind her, leading to the upper floors.

The woman had skin as green as plant leaves—a shade reminiscent of the forest. Her face appeared kinder than Cin would have imagined for someone who likely witnessed more death than anyone else.

"Yes, deary? What brings you here today?" she asked, not even bothering to glance up from her paperwork, possibly sensing Cin's presence.

"Oh, nothing. I want to offer my assistance," Cin replied, approaching the desk.

The woman lowered her paperwork and met Cin's gaze. Her hair remained tightly secured in a bun, reminiscent of the bun Tamlin often wore. "Are you a healer?"

"I'm a herbalist. It seems your supplies might be running low, and I'd like to help replenish them or assist with distribution."

The woman studied Cin, observing the small satchel hanging at her waist and the absence of bags for restocking their stores. Cin prepared to defend herself, to explain her magical abilities, but before she could utter a word, the woman simply said, "Go up the stairs to your right, then turn into the hallway on your right and ask for Abina. She's volunteering in that ward today."

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