Chapter Forty

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"Are you alright?" Tamlin cupped Cin's face in his hands, his eyes searching hers as they paused by the oak doors.

Bron had escorted the venom whisperer down the granite steps and stood waiting at the bottom for Tamlin.

Cin nodded cautiously. "When did you become a diplomat?"

Tamlin wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close and briefly resting his chin on her head. "Someone very dear to me taught me that words can resolve conflicts just as effectively as fighting can."

Cin glanced over Tamlin's shoulder at the usher. "Vixra!"

Nienna and Yavonna were assisting Vixra to her feet, the girl unsteady on her legs. Vixra's gaze locked onto them, and she immediately began apologizing. "My Lord, my Lady, I'm so sorry. If I had known they were intruders, I wouldn't have opened the doors. It's my fault."

"Take it easy," Tamlin crouched in front of her as she sat on the lower steps. "You couldn't have known. You did your job; it was my failure for not anticipating that something like this would eventually happen."

"I...I..." Vixra rose again but stumbled a step forward. Cin leaped forward to catch her. Vixra's eyes were glossy, dazed.

Cin gave Tamlin a concerned look and then nodded toward the oak doors. "You handle that. I'll take her to the Infirmary. Her day is over."

"Do what you need to do." Tamlin squeezed her arm before bounding out into the front courtyard, where Hart returned with Quiet Jon, Enzo, and Rafe to the foyer.

"Yavonna, could you take three of the merry men—uhm... these fine gentlemen—to secure the estate and lock down the gate, please?" Cin gestured toward the merry men and glanced at Hart. Hart gave Quiet Jon, Enzo, and Rafe a pointed look, and they followed Yavonna outside.

Cin turned to Nienna. "I could use your help."

"Yes, my Lady." Nienna stepped under Vixra's other arm.

"Cin, where do you need me?" Hart asked.

"Stay here. We'll need someone to oversee the foyer until everyone returns." She smiled at him. "And Hart?"

"Yeah?" He paused.

"Thank you."

They exchanged a familiar smile before Cin turned back to Nienna and Vixra. Together, they half-dragged, half-carried Vixra to the Infirmary, with Vixra murmuring apologies and insisting that Cin was fussing unnecessarily because she was fine.

"How badly did they hurt you? And don't lie to me," Cin's tone was stern as she twisted the doorknob to the Infirmary and shouldered the door open for them. They settled Vixra onto the table beneath the small, high window, and Nienna hurried to light a lantern.

"To be honest, they didn't lay a hand on me." Vixra sighed. "I closed the doors when I saw their faces, their drawn weapons. But they blasted the door open—I can't tell you how—but it sent me tumbling down the stairs."

"Thank the Cauldron it wasn't worse," Nienna whispered, lighting all four candle lanterns on the walls. In the cupboard, Cin searched for the powdered herbs she typically used for aches, vertigo, and concussions. She mixed three spoonfuls in a glass of water and offered the cup to Vixra.

"There's no need to conserve resources on my account, my Lady." Vixra tried to push the cup away, but Cin insisted, nudging it closer.

"If it helps you, it's not wasteful."

Realizing she wouldn't win the argument against Cin, Vixra grudgingly took the cup, sniffed it, and swallowed its contents in three big gulps. She sank back onto the bed, letting out a sigh of grogginess. The herbs would need time to take effect in her system.

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