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"Hahhh!" Kira charged forward with her all and slashed at the monster in front of her, the damage which she could inflict was only minimal, to which the giant responded with a kick.

Kira held up her sword to block the attack as she flew to a building, collapsing it by the sheer force and momentum she had travelled with. "Kuha!" She coughed up a glob of blood as she slowly stood up.

Her bones creaked in protest, "it hurts!" was what her body screaming at her, but she had to stand up! Civilians that she had rescued were just several blocks from here, she had to!

"Rahhhhh!" Kira shouted she summoned all her strength, just to lift her blade. Kira gathered her mana unto her whole body, spreading it evenly as she stared at the giant slowly approaching her with a wicked smile.

"Blade Dance." She muttered out loudly as her mana flared like white flames surrounding her body. Kira jumped up and avoided a stomp of the giant as she slashed down on the giant's leg, lacerating it.

The giant roared in pain as she slid on the ground and plunged her sword on the ground, using momentum to spin around as she shot towards the giant's back, unsheathing another sword.

She swung it at the giant as she passed by and cleaved its shoulder. She landed on top of a building as she saw her hair that was wafting around turn gradually white, "I don't have much time, huh?"

She let go of the broken sword as she unsheathed another sword, she held her sword up high as the giant stared at her with pure rage. To which she gladly smirked at. "Empyrean Rule."

Mana flooded her body as she felt her vitality leave her body rapidly, her mana becoming a beacon of light to the darkened flame devoured city of Tokyo as all the giant type monsters looked at her.

Kira let out a final battle cry as she swung her sword down with all the emotions she could muster up, the hate, the sadness, the rage, the melancholy, the wrath she felt for these giants destroying her home.

"Bisect in two you pieces of -!" Kira shouted as she slammed her sword down, all the giants in the city fell as they were cut apart in two parts. "Except that bastard, of course."

Her knees gave out as she fell, but her eyes still burned with hatred and drive to do whatever it took to kill the remaining giant that stood in front of the dimensional gate.

Kira felt a presence beside her as she didn't even bother to look up at the person. "Hey, Jin-Woo. Take care of the remaining monster for me, will you?" she spoke, sure that it was the exact same person.

"...You could have waited for me, you know." Jin-Woo spoke. "Me? I would rather kill myself off than wait for you." she replied in a very snarky tone. "So, promise me you'll kill the bastard for me?"

Jin-Woo sighed as Kira felt her vision darken. Jin-Woo knelt beside her and hugged her. "Hey, Akutagawa Kira. Could you please take your eyes off on revenge for now? Your love-hate partner is here."

Kira let out a smirk as she closed my eyes. "Fine, you irregular." She spoke curtly. Jin-Woo clenched her frame harder as he spoke. "You know that I love you, right?"

"I do, I know oh so much that you're obsessed with me." Kira let out a soft chuckle, as if the city they were standing on wasn't in ruins. "So why did you do it?" Jin-Woo Inquired.

"Would you wait for someone else if you are fully capable of saving your city razing in fire from the destruction monsters caused?" Kira asked him. "No, but why did you?!"

Kira felt her shoulders wet from tears. "It's because it was my choice, you shit-burger. I chose to sacrifice my life with you for the life of many others. So what if I can't have my time with you?"

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