Daily life of the grade two elementary Sovereign (1)

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"Hahhh..." I let out a tired sigh as I laid my back on the rest of the fancy chair. Paper work is absolute hell if you're a lazy person, well, duh. "Obviously, no use in pointing the obvious."

I just finished all the paper work for today's schedule, and I have to say I am both proud and sick of it. "Well, I had no choice. I had to finish today's part if I didn't want more tomorrow."

My mind wandered as I look around the room. Walls of marble, bookshelves housing enough books you could say it was a library, a wall of thick and mana reinforced glass behind me.

Two couches that are very comfy with a table in between, lighting present was enough to minimize close to no shadows, a table of grand design, and me right behind, seated in a chair.

I snapped out of my thoughts as I heard a knock on the door. "You may come in." I spoke in a regal tone as the person curtly entered and closed the double doors.

The person bowed, "Greetings, Grand Guild Master. I am here to visit after I finished my daily dungeon schedule." The person spoke as I immediately recognised the voice.

I let out a small smile. "Ah, Reine. Good day, thank you for visiting me; your presence cheered me up from my bad mood that came from paper work. "Are you still finishing them?"

"If so, I'm sorry to disturb you, I'll leave right now." Reine spoke. "No, no. I'm already finished, you could stay." I insisted. Reine put on a wry smile. "You're finished already?"

"Yes, I am. I just finished though." I answered. "You're finished with all that paper work already? Kazuya told me earlier that the stack of papers were 2 feet tall, and there were four."

"Yeah, and I'm beat up from all the things I must manage. So many things I must deal as a grand guild master, I'd rather watch movies or read some manga." I let out a tired sigh.

I turned the chair around as I was met with the sky-high view of the city of Tokyo. It was a beautiful sight were the day fades while the night lights gradually takes over.

"Sometimes, I forget the fact that you're just a simple 7-year-old at sometimes." Reine commented as she walked towards right next to me. "Well, I wouldn't say I am 'simple' I'm far too much of an aberration."

"Right," Reine replied. "You are a god-like entity far beyond the reach of even S-ranks. You yourself had made this building in mere dozens of seconds in time. You're far from simple."

"Well, what could I say?" I got off the chair as I checked the school uniform I was wearing for any stains. I got nothing. I look up at Reine and spoke. "I'll be heading home now; my parents are waiting."

I teleported and arrived at a location near my home, as I immediately started walking home. My school is 8:00 to 12:00 in the morning, and 1:00 to 4:00 pm in the afternoon.

After that, I had to teleport to my guild office and do all the paper work waiting to be finished, in the time of 2 hours. By the time I would finish, it would be six in the evening.

My reason for coming home this time to my parents is taking additional lessons that I took with the money I earned from writing novels and posting them online, to which they hesitantly believed.

Once, I aged into teenage, I would have more reasonably reasonable reasons for coming home at that time, but for now, it will suffice. "I'm home!" I spoke loudly as I opened the door.

I changed to in-shoes as I was met with my father and mother taking care of my younger sibling, along with the house keeper they hired to take care of him if everyone was away.

"Kira." My father turned around and smiled at me as I hugged him. I reciprocated the hug to mom as I greeted my brother. "Hayate-chan~!" To which he smiled.

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