Daily life of the grade two elementary Sovereign (2)

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When we are born, we are all equal. But when we are given time, talent and aptitude will triumph over all. "This person wasn't just capable to pull through and stably upload chapters."

Certain circumstances, and certain capabilities make up how much a person is. How they develop, how they grow, how they decide to solve the problem that lies in front of them.

Some are stupid and decide to brute their way through, some are brilliant and decide to disassemble their problem to the core, on the other hand, some will simply think that they are not enough and give up.

Such a difference, such a contrast, such a weak mind set, to simply give up and not give a chance. I loathed it, I wanted to change it, I wanted to give those who didn't have a chance.

The current state of Japan's treatment to its various citizens is unequal. Those, who have power abuse it for their own gain, those who don't, suffer the setbacks of being weak, receiving only malice for being uncapable.

And to change it, there must be a force greater than all, so that all will be equal in standing in front of that force, a force that is benevolent, while also ruling with an iron fist. That is my ideal.

"(Sigh)... what depressing stuff. I better get to sleep now." I reminded to myself as I turned off the computer and the lights, crawling over to my bed, curling up into the comfort and warmth of pillows and fabric with mini wolves.

And with this, I slowly wink myself to sleep. Finding gentle beeping softly ring in my ears, "Ah," the alarm, It's already 4 am... I guess I got to stand up from bed now. "That was quick."

"Wakey, wakey." I spoke to myself as I rubbed my eyes open. I teleported to the gate first in today's daily dungeon list, "Ugh..." man am I tired. For someone lazy, I follow my responsibilities.

I entered the dungeon and was immediately met with goblins. "Shiro, I call forth." I extended my arm forward as a sword appropriate to my stature appeared with a flash.

The goblins turned towards me as they looked at me with lust. I scrunched my face. "Disgusting creatures... you should not have been created by the supreme being."

I put my leg back as I grasped the sword with both hands. Embers erupted around me as I gracefully ran forward. I swung my sword and fluidly connected the next attacks.

The next second, I was already behind the vile demons. "Fifth form: Stream of Flames." The goblins combusted with blue-orange flames, screeching until nothing was left, not even ash.

Tack! I sheathed the sword as I continued forward, finding myself lazy, I teleported towards the boss room. "Ohoh, would you look at that?" I exclaimed; it was a den filled with filthy goblins.

I readied my sword again as I touched the flat of the blade and slid it to the tip, to which a golden hue was inscribed upon. I put my left foot forward and clenched my legs as I relaxed my upper body.

I pointed the tip towards the boss hobgoblin. "Third form: Contrasting Integration." I stabbed forward at seemingly impossible speed as the friction caused in the air ignited fire.

As result, it ignited the line of mana pointed at the hobgoblin, and burst out flames of different colours, violet, red, and blue. The violent fire incinerated everything in the room as only me was spared.

I calculated the coordinates and with my IQ, was easily down in less than a second of time and teleported to the next dungeon I had on my daily dungeon clearing schedule.

Stretching my arms, I went through the portal and arrived back in my room. I finished all the 10 dungeons in my one hour, it was now 5:04 o'clock in the morning. Time to prepare breakfast, I guess.

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