The Toyohashi Dungeon Gate Raid [1]

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Toyohashi, a city located at southern Honshu located at the Pacific shore. I was going there for a very important reason, it was neither because of me wanting a vacation,

Nor could it be because I had to visit someone from there. It was because there was a gate there, a large gate, and usually, a gate's size does not correspond to its rank by mana count.

But this gate, "This gate was found to be measured to be an A-rank gate." What's the problem in that? You have already cleared so many A-rank gates in the past. Some may ask.

This gate wasn't just some normal A-rank gate though. A-rank gates normally scale from mana signatures of 8000~9000+ points. But in fact, this one did not follow those rules.

It was first measured at 9596 mana points, but it then spiked for a moment, and got above the measurements of A-rank, stepping into the realm of S-rank gates. And then going back down to 9783.

The mana signature it releases keeps alternating at specifically unknown but occurring at high frequency. There was a huge chance that this gate would eventually end up as S-rank.

This might be the first S-rank gate to exist in all five years of earth's transformation to the era of mana. And what more could be a better official debut than destroying a possible S-rank gate.

The sound of a helicopter's blades slashing at the air at "high" speeds softly buzz my ears. The gate entered my vision as prepared the cameras I had created for this specific moment.

I already saw the raid members I specifically chosen for this special occasion. And so, I jumped down from the helicopter, my clothes fluttered to the resistance of the wind.

I put on Kōri as a mask and slowly fell to the earth. As I was just about a few dozen meters off the ground, I spun around to disperse my acceleration and spoke "Feather-Fall."

I landed on the clearing as I felt all the force I had disperse into the ground, ignoring what ever law newton set, I received no opposite and equal force back. "Quite law-defying."

I landed on the ground as the current hunters who were preparing equipment stopped their work and faced me, saluting. "We greet the Grand Guild Master!" They exclaimed in unison.

I waved my hand, "You may continue with your preparations." I spoke as I headed towards the bridge, the gate was smack dab in the middle of the Toyokawa river after all.

My steps were silent, but the guild members who were swarming on the spot of the dungeon were observant and made way for me, saluting as they stood in line. And I soon arrived at the bridge, stopping at the familiar silhouettes.

Raising up my head, I was met with four familiar faces present. "You're finally here, Grand Guild Master C/E!" Reine spoke in a pseudo-excited voice. "Did you wait long?" I asked.

"Yes, we waited for about an hour longer than we planned, C/E-sama." Yūma replied as his twin sister scolded him. "Yūma! You shouldn't have just said, and if you would, make it nice!"

Yūma let out a grunt as I chuckled. "It's alright Yua, you don't need to backfire him." The twins were quite the bipolar, one is friendly while one actively tries not to be.

"Grand Guild Master..." Haruka muttered with a glad expression on his face. "Hahhh, you still haven't rid of your introverted ways, I see." I spoke as I looked towards the gate floating just above Toyokawa river.

"We just have to wait for a few minutes 'til that giant aberration of 36 meters in radius opens and," I turn back to look towards the 4. "We stand here to defend the city."

Haruka nodded his head quietly without any further questions, he might seem shy and introverted, but once you see him fight, it would simply be like the moon lighting the night sky.

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