A couple billion yen wasted

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I back away from the windows after I had cleaned them spotless, as I stumble and land on my bed. "Woah!" I exclaimed as my back hit the soft feeling of rest.

My thoughts slowly faded from my mind as it was left blank. I turned my head towards the right as I saw faint light seep through the windows, feeling nostalgic.

I stood up slowly and approached the window beside my desk where a pc was set upon, seating upon the chair, I relaxed and blankly stared at the rain rhythmically tapping to the window.

Reminiscing the old times, or should I say the future? The times where I was busy, but always had the time to spend it with him. The times that we sang together. The times where I would laugh at the very terrible jokes, slow humour, and very dark shadows. "But well, there's nothing left of what was once, or will be in the future."

Before, I hadn't had enough power to save what I held dear to me, even more so than him... My home is the key to my heart, and nothing is as close to me than it.

But, somehow, I had chosen his choice over my Home, the consequences was devastating, I shouldn't have trusted anyone. Well, I should have stopped him from going to that place.

And then he died, hahhh... uncle, I will try to convince you this a time. How bleu. "Enough with my sulking, how about I surf the internet to cheer up...?" I muttered slowly.

I straightened up as I turned on the pc, to which the lock screen quickly appeared after. I entered in the password as I opened... Firefox, nah, explorer, nah! Chrome, yeah, chrome.

Now, for a source of entertainment. How about scrolling down my social account, nice idea, I guess. And so, I did as I willed, book-faced or gram-instar? "Ugh random pick."

Gram-instar it is. I opened my account as I met with a barrage of notifications. "Man, so many notifications." I complained to myself as I marked all of them for read later.

There were only a couple thousand, nothing less. But now, how about we jump straight into delving into my historical pictures? I scrolled down to the literal bottom.

I was met with a picture of me taking a selfie with Yoru beside me, and a giant Naga one or three meters behind me, the shot was epic to say the least. Oh? What's the description again?

"Another day beating a dungeon till nothing remains, though I left a trophy for the A-rank dungeon." Yeah, I remember now, I put this up about a year ago where I started my daily updates. Back when I was five and my parents decided to grace me a phone. Lol, I still think it was a bad decision, although I made good use of on various things like making actual money.

...Don't ask for my methods, they include breaking several laws just to establish groundwork and documents needed for my big brain plan. "Well, not really breaking the law if the authorities themselves see nothing wrong, isn't it?"

I smiled to myself as I scrolled up, seeing my second oldest post. Another picture of me with my trophy at the back, this time, it was Shiro who was beside me, and a dead orc chieftain behind.

"Second day! I cleared the dungeons in the ports of Yokohama, glad I made it in time." Was what I put in as description, is it lame, yes, it is very lame, but hey, people liked it at least.

Speaking of people liking my posts, I first had thought of posting these kind of stuff online is to raise my popularity, very important if I wanted my plan to succeed back then. My power and popularity would be very needlingly high if I wanted to be important enough that the local government were to give me special privileges and such.

Good thing my power, had made me popular enough that not only locally, but internationally, I was famous! With me clearing all the gates I possibly could in my scheduled time, the government would basically slowly trust and depend on me for clearing gates, and by that, I receive privileges!

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