The warmth of hugging friendly wolves

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As I arrived back at home, I found out that I was still in my room. "Good, it means that only about a couple dozen minutes or more had passed." I thought to myself as I began to pretend that I was sleeping.

And I did a darn good job at pretending, 'cause I fell asleep! I know that because I found myself in the living room again. I was on the sofa, sitting in front of the tv, watching whatever I was.

Who brought me downstairs? I tilt my head to the left and found my mother eating some cucumber? I think that is a cucumber. But I can't really tell if it is a cucumber.

No, no. I think that's an eggplant. Why is she swallowing it back and forth, lol, I don't have anything to do with it. The best choice is to ignore all weirdness that I see, hear, or otherwise experience.

"Hahhh... Today, I cleared a dungeon, and in the future, many other times. I think I'm uncomfortable with the feeling now that I got used to living a life of peace." I thought to myself.

"Let's just continue watching whatever show is on the tv right now, shall we?" I cheered myself as I continued to watch whatever was on screen, is that a dinosaur? No, no. I think that's Gojira lol.

The actor behind that suit is ridiculous, look at how Gojira moves. Ridiculous power mouth beams, ridiculous flying gold enemy, ridiculous enough to... make my eyes... blink... slowly asleep.

"..." "...!" "A...!" "Ki...!" "Kira...!" "Kira-chan! Wake up!" My eyes fluttered open revealing my crimson pupils, framed with lavender irises. "Ugh..." I let out a soft grunt as I stood up.

I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes as I took off my hood, man, was it cold as ice. "What is it, mom?" I asked out as I found out that we're in the middle of a mountain. "Kira-chan, we're here."

My mom answered shortly, well, wasn't that vague. "Alright." I replied as I walked while holding mom's hand, it was freezing! Like, it won't do anything to me, but I still feel the feeling you know?

Me, mom, and dad, soon arrived in a cottage nearby, just a couple dozen seconds away from where dad parked the car. "Mom, for how many days were we staying here for vacation again?"

I asked as we entered the door and took off our shoes in the genkan, where we put on in-shoes. "For 3 days, honey." Mom answered as I nodded, and then raced around the cottage.

I entered the living room where there were chairs and a case of books on the left, and then I went to the kitchen, a lot of sharp things like knives and such, but nothing that dangerous.

After my unclear examination of the kitchen, I left for the bathroom. There, I found a mirror on the wall, above the sink. And a toilet a few feet away, with the shower on the right. I got on a chair; I wasn't that tall yet.

And looked at the mirror. Crimson pupils, compassed within lavender irises. Platinum white hair, with some strands that of blood-like red contrasting the pure color, cascading down my shoulders.

Pale white skin with the tint of rose present. Standing at the height of toddler, I was now at the current age of 5 years old. But I still had that very innocence that made me cute.

"Man, time sure passed in the blink of an eye." I muttered to myself as I reminisced the past. Ever since the first gate I cleared, a lot of things happened all around the world.

At the first year, most portals in Tokyo had disappeared mysteriously, that's because of me, and when a dungeon does break, I will be sure to be at the scene to provide help.

But that is just in Tokyo, because I lived there, and I could get to anywhere there relatively fast. But I don't have nearly enough time to bother about any other places, I'll just stick to what I could handle.

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