Year 9 of Regression: Everyday Elementary... Shameful

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Standing up from the toilet seat, I stood up as I stretched my body, releasing a soft yawn while I did so. It was still early in the morning after all. I still got 1 hour and thirty minutes to spend roaming around school so no point in being so serious.

I got out of the stall as propped myself in front of the mirror and stopped as I saw myself, sighing. "Hahhh... still haven't fixed the issue I see." I quickly fixed my messy hair. I swear, I don't know why but teleportation sometimes just flings my hair around, making a mess of it sometimes.

I swiftly got out of the bathroom as I beelined all the way to my nearby classroom and set my things down. I opened the sliding windows open on my side of the classroom as I felt the rushing air enter in and circulate around the room. Smiling, I sat down on my seat as I pulled out a sketch book.

I began to flip away at the pages to find a blank sheet to draw on, and as I did so, I was able to see the progress I was able to attain, starting from the very beginning, my first every drawing on this sketch book, all the way to my current page that had tons and tons of improvements, which brins joy to me.

As I was about to draw to wait for class the door abruptly opened with a loud slam as it violently impacted the wall to the side of the door frame, making me flinch in alert. Instinctively, time slowed down as I insta-casted a time spell that stops time for a few seconds.

I swung my head in the direction of the door as I instantly relaxed at what seemingly was the cause of the commotion. It was my friend, Shimizu Akari. One amongst many of the people I had mourned for after I got news of their deaths a few dozen minutes just as we got to 'that place'. I still do regret it.

If only I had convinced uncle that time, that it wasn't worth it to risk going after his ambitions. "Hahhh... again. Such depressing thoughts, I better stop now." I sighed and shook my head, finally diverting my attention back towards Akari... Shimizu my friend.

Seeing her dumb face frozen in time, I could help but chuckle at her stupid face. I grin crept up to mine as I took out my phone as I snapped a few pictures of her, making sure to do it in several angles just to make it even more hilarious than just the base image.

I slid my phone back inside my bag as time slowly returned to normal speed. "Ai-chan~! Good morning!" her annoying voice resonated in the air as I kept drawing and didn't bother to turn around and face. "Ari-chan, good morning, you're still as loud." I spoke.

Ari let out a gasp of mock surprise as she headed straight towards her chair. "I'm as loud as ever? I'm not even max, and you're out? Ai-chan, you won't match me in forever." Ari put her stuff down as she pulled her chair over and sat on it to face me.

"Hah! Being loud is all you've got; I don't need to run my mouth around for me to show I'm superior to you lot." I snapped back at her as she whistled at my rebut. "You're pretty good at saying you're good, yet where's the proof of your godhood?"

I stopped drawing as I placed my pencil down to look her in the face. "What do I even need to prove to you? If you can't even see the divinity, then you're proving yourself lacking. Make sense since all you do is barking and you aren't even capable of biting."

The air tensed as the both of us went silent, only bothering to look each other in the eyes. *Bang* The both of us blinked as we slowly looked to my right. "Ohoh? Look at we got here." Ari smirked as I relaxed my back into my seat, Kanae slammed her stuff unto her chair enough to cut the tension apart.

"You two, it's far too early in the morning for the two of you squabble." Kanae spoke as she sat on top of her desk. "Every day you do it, spending time in an endless battle of throwing each other pointless rabble." Ari didn't seem offended, if anything, jolly.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2023 ⏰

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