First three servants.

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Dungeon Gates, as you could draw your conclusion from the name, are doorways. These gates appear randomly. When, where, and what, even to the latest time in the future I had walked on, these were mostly unknown.

But we could know before their appearance because of one thing. In places where mana usually gathers appears a gate, depending on the amount of mana gathering on the place, we could derive its rank.

That is what I usually do before, it was a process ingrained in my mind for the reason of my experience and hatred for them. They were the cause of my parent's death in my last life after all.

So it boggles me that I forgot to even ask the reason why there was mana present in the air. As far as I know, the only gates that take 1 or 2 years to form are A-rank gates, and the dreadable S-ranks.

And, so, from the information I had from my past life, I know that the gate that spawned near my house was an A-rank gate. And I don't think I would just let it open and spew out monsters.

And then comes the problem, I'm a magician, I don't engage in close quarter combat, and so I need someone to fend of the monsters for me while I support from the back.

I turned to my right. "And I know exactly what to do about that." I thought to myself as I activated my skill. "-{<-[Stellar Parallax: Max Output]->}-." I muttered quietly as I watched the two stuff toys.

The two wolf-like stuffed toys got surrounded by mana as they shown brilliantly, soon, 2 two-hundred-fifty-cm wolfs appeared out of the swarming mana whirlpool in their majestic forms.

One is of color white, its fur contained streaks of orange and red with gold accents. "A Stellar Flare Wolf." The other one looked at me, its fur of black with stygian blue streaks that contained stars. "A Nova Star wolf."

I looked towards the white one and spoke. "You shall be called; [Shiro]." I turned towards the black wolf. "And you shall be called: [Yoru]." I spoke with a grand regal voice. If that even is possible.

The two wolves bowed down to me. "It shall be, Okami-sama." They spoke in unison. Should I be asking how wolves can speak? No. Should I be asking how I can speak? No. Then let's go!

But how do I escape the monitoring of my parents? I could easily solve that problem with a quick teleportation spell, problem is, my parents are going to get alarmed once I am gone. "Well, any good parent would be."

And that is what I love about them. I was an orphan my last life, but I won't let the same thing happen again. The only thing I could think of is creating a clone made of my mana, to act exactly like me.

And once I finish the gate, I will switch places with it. And so, I made the clone. "Act exactly like me, I'm going to give you my memories, so you know what to do." I spoke as I curtly teleported away.

I felt my perspective change as I hurriedly raced towards the gate, "Whew." I managed it. Once I entered, I felt myself enter a cave with natural lightings. "Yoru, Shiro, get in front of me."

I commanded through my thoughts as the giant wolves appeared in front of me. "If I'm correct, the monsters should be lizard men, and the boss would be a wyvern." I thought.

I created a brighter light source for us in a form of a ball of light as I climbed up Shiro. "Man, you are hard to climb. You're like a mountain." I spoke. "Thank you for the praise." Shiro thanked.

"It isn't a praise, idiot!" I shouted in my mind. We continued forward with in the front, and Me and Shiro in the back. Silence continued until we finally encountered our first lizardman. It charged at us as Yoru simply bit its neck apart.

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