The crisis of cleaning the room

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I yawned softly to myself as I sat on the back of the car. "Still sleepy?" Dad asked as he viewed the rear-view mirror. "Yes..." I nodded my head as I opened my eyes and put my seatbelt on.

Staying awake would be worth it for me since the view back home would be as good as the way to. I think. Dad started the car as the engine turned alive. "Get ready for a bumpy ride then."

The car travelled down the dirt road down the mountain as I stared out the window. Colourful morning birds, tall green tress, the sun peeking in the horizon, with different other things.

I needed to enjoy as much time as I could in the briefest, because when we get back home, I must break my back again at chores unattended at home. The house was left for three days after all.

But most of all, the biggest reason was that I was going to go back at actively hunting dungeons all around Japan. If I wanted to preserve my status, and the peoples' smile, I had to do it.

"Ugh..." I grunted to myself as eyes gained a sharp contrast of seriousness. I took this burden upon myself, and I promised to better our country, to make it that so 'that' tragedy wouldn't happen.

And I had to keep it, lazy as I might be, I needed to. I must, and I will. I relaxed my expression as I continue to look at the passing by flora and fauna. 'So, I need to enjoy this time as much as I could.


We got back home, as we started to tiddy up the house, from cleaning the ceiling of spiders and webs, to sweeping the floor clean, and then polishing it so much you could see your reflection.

Man, did that break my back, "Ugh." I'm too lazy for this! But not like I could shout it though, it will only end up with me getting more things to clean, all I need to do is finish my part.

And I did. Thankfully I did, though it took me two hours to do. "Mom, I finished my tasks, I'm heading upstairs." I spoke. "Sure, but also clean your room too, got it?" She inquired.

"Yes Mom..." I muttered as I went upstairs. I opened the door to my room, only to be met with dust filled place with snack packings all around the floor. "Yep, I am not going to move one bit."

I entered in and closed the door, while locking it of course, and snapped my fingers. The room glistened as the dust puffed away out the window, ALL the dust in the room.

I laced my voice with mana as I spoke. "Put yourself inside the big plastic bag on my right." The plastic wrappings of snacks took on a gold hue as they move on their own towards the bag.

"Tidy up and organize yourselves." I spoke as all my tools, pillows, manga, forbidden stuff, and other things neatly arranged themselves. And then, I vaporized the garbage into pure oxygen.

"There, I'm finished with tidying the room up." I spoke as I slump down on my bed. "Now, what do I do now?" I spoke to myself as I surfed through my head, ah, dungeon raiding, I guess.

"Ugh!" I grunted, I was lazy, but I had to. I stood up from my bed as I went downstairs, "Mom, I finished cleaning my room. I'm going out to meet my friends." I spoke.

"Did you really clean your room?" She raised an eyebrow in question as I hurriedly nodded my head. "You could check my room if you want to, I really did clean it at my best." I answered.

"...Alright, I'll check it later. You're free to go for now." Mom hesitantly spoke as I bowed my head and exchanged out to my sneakers and headed out of the house, straight for the streets of Tokyo!

I looked up a high building as a magic circle appeared on my right eye as my vision expanded and I zoomed in on the roof of the building. "Gotcha." I spoke as I instantly teleported to the roof.

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