Year 9 Of Regression: Everyday Elementary.... Shameful

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Darkness, complete and utter darkness. Devoid of any light of sound, enough to make the normal man be wrought with madness due to the sheer 'amount of absence' there is. Only the toughest of wills could thrive upon this land enshrouded in complete absence.

No light, no sound, no disturbance, no nothing. Just darkness, only silence therefore had existed, an eternal feeling of peace that comes along with it. It takes a soul full of hate to appreciate peace. And a soul filled with peace to appreciate war.

The same applies to this realm, if a soul wrought with tiredness of life's trials can listen to unending repetition of heavenly music, a soul unwilling to rest and wishes to continue fighting for eternity is fully able to understand what it means to rest in silence.

And I, as person who has fought against the tide of time for two entire timelines, unfinished or not, finds rest in the darkness, the complete of disturbance, eternal peace in but the void of war, love, peace, and hate... *Ring**Ring**Ring*...unfortunately for me:

"Ugh..." I let out a soft grunt of SLIGHT annoyance, my eyes fluttering open to greet the ever-changing ceiling of my bedroom. A calendar, all twelve months stuck to it. From the first of January, all the way to the end of May, all the dates were crossed out.

It was June first, only two months away from the end of July to the first of August, when my full month's summer break is expected to arrive. Very, very unfortunately for me, it was still two months away from today.

*Ring**Ring**Ring* — *Bang*

I slam my fingers frantically on my phone as I desperately tried to turn the darn alarm off! "For Mother's sake, it's fucking 4:00 o'clock in the morning!!" I screamed my lungs out as I finally managed to turn the cursed alarm off after a minute's worth of time.

My hands quickly darted off to close my mouth as several magical locks covered over them in quick succession. My eyes narrowed in vigilance as my body was covered in genuine cold sweat. "...I hate myself." I muttered to myself under my breath.

I had to be glad and thankful my parents allowed, and made my room soundproof, and I personally made sure it stays that way, putting on several layers of runic enchantments on the very top part of all walls to disperse any vibration (sound) generated once they met the walls.

I had fully learned my lesson not to curse under the presence of my parents, though I may be fully capable of rebellion, I do not want to bring displeasure to my parents whose love I was able to experience for the first time in this turn. And especially my mother. She... took very good care of me.

She always made sure to provide me with all the love and care I needed although some of it had to be shared with my little brother, who also, was not able to make it in my last life due to my parents dying before he had any chance to breathe the planet's air.

She gave me constant attention, calling me even at school, in the middle of her work. Giving me material love, she had made sure to give me anything, and everything I had wanted. And... spiritually, a giant, enormous pillar to hold my sanity together with her self-made food, capable of inciting war.

I wouldn't be able to take it if I were to catch her making a face of grief or disappointment due to my having a rebellion or slight against what they had said, my parents were special to me. Becoming one of my driving forces to mentally enforce me in my decision.

"*Sigh*..." I let out a sigh as I stopped any further procrastinating; as much as I love to delay the hurt and pain I must suffer every day, I had to be a diligent and fulfilling child in front of my parents' eyes— I had to go to school and keep up the honestly, stale act.

Without any further thoughts than that, I stood up from my bed as tidied up my bed, freshening up myself with a bath and teeth brushing and checked the time, it was 4:31 already. "Gosh, I sure had efficiently managed my time."

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