"Love Life Advice For Kazuya"

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"Man, where did he take, or gift her that it costs a couple dozen billion yen?" Sheesh, that girl must be expensive, if I truly want my best friend Kazuya to have a good life, I need to check the girl.

Anyways, what do I do with the remaining time I have? Today's schedule is done after all. Continue with reviewing my previous posts? No, I don't think so.

How about I shop for some new manga to read and past time, some good old isekai genre ones. The ones I read before were interesting so far. So why not more?

And so, I shut down the pc as I dressed up and went downstairs, mom and dad were still not home from work, so I just whipped out a sticky note and smacked it to the table with reasonable reasons.

I changed shoes at the genkan and went out the house after locking the door and making sure I have the keys in the system inventory; I did have them in there.

I put my hands in my jacket for warmth, it was November, and the cold was starting to come alive. I roamed the streets with an excited smile upon my face as I explored.

Familiar buildings, street signs, different people with different height and stature. The abundance of anime, manga, and electronics available, just the casual streets of Akihabara.

I walked around aimlessly, well, not like I memorize all the ways around this paradise for people who like entertainment. Just casually checking out the manga and anime if anything was new.

I was currently checking out a store, and I stopped my steps as my eyes land on a novel book. "GDWAC?" I spoke aloud. I took the book from the shelf and read the summary.

It was... good, I was interested in reading it. I checked the price tag and found it to be buyable. Well, I have a few million yen just lying in my pocket, not to brag or anything.

"I totally am though." I smiled wryly as I exited the store with the novel held in my right hand. I continued to walk the streets back home as I felt a strange presence a couple meters behind me.

"I'll observe for now." I spoke to myself as I marched onwards, and the presence still followed me, all right, this might not be a coincidence. "No shit sherlock." I smiled.

I took a detour and entered an alleyway, to which the person, quickly followed into. I put on an invisibility spell on as the person following me walked in the alleyway and was immediately confused.

The stranger turned around as I undid the invisibility spell and made my presence known. "You know, it's very strange for a person to just follow a 6-year-old around."

The strange person turned around with alertness clear in their body language as I snapped my fingers. The strange person froze in their spot, what I did was simple. "Spirit-Speech."

"The ability to control mana at will is simply too OP, well, in my hands it is since I know how to use it in very wise ways." I spoke slowly. "For example, eviscerating you by stuffing you with too much mana."

"Oh, yes, that will surely pop you like a balloon with mana overload." I finished as the strange person showed a terrified expression. Until I noticed the person was familiar.

I took off his hat, his mask, his double mask, his scarf, his outer coat, his other things that concealed his identity, only the things that are necessary though, I can't strip someone naked.

"...Kazuya?" I spoke with confusion as I saw the person's face clearly, orange hair, I don't know? Average face, average height, average clothes, average haircut, average everything.

The person's eyes were giggling around, a very clear sign of him panicking, as if frantically telling me; "YES!!!!" Woah, dude, calm down, "You may speak." I said.

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