Snap back to reality

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Yoo-hoo! It's now late December, and my birthday is approaching fast! I'd gladly play with magic in the meantime, January 1, I will soon be able to meet you!

Oh right, even though I laze around, my muscles have developed quite nicely, even mom has been wondering why. But I very well know the answer. My mana is automatically strengthening my body!

And since I found about that almost a year ago, I had been lazing around. But I have been exercising one very important muscle though! My immense mana pool.

Though it is very much potent and such, I have been learning more and more about the [Basic Magic] skill I had obtained. It was sure to say I fell in love with such applications to my daily life!

Magic had been my source of entertainment ever since I had started experimenting about it. I had researched and created spells myself, which had been added as subskills under my [Basic Magic] skill.

Ah, I might forget to say it later, so I'll say it now. I had created some spells which were called by the system as high-spells, and had successfully created a new skill, [Advanced Magic]!

Cool right? "Ah," I noticed mom was coming upstairs so I let go of the levitation spell and dropped softly on the ground. I looked towards the window to make it seem I was mesmerized by the snow and 1, 2, 3-

"Hana-chan~!" My mother entered the room and walked towards me. "Aw, you're not even paying attention to me, what are you so busy looking at~?" She asked as she traced my vision.

It was pointed at the window where snowflakes fell mesmerizingly. "Snow?" my mother asked herself as she gently picked me up, to which I just enjoyed the warmth she gave.

"Guaa..." I let out a satisfied grumble as mom, again, found it cute. So she whipped out her camera and took photos of me. "I'm going to regret not making a fuss right now in the future."

I thought as Mom brought me downstairs where father was on the couch. Watching what I assumed to be baseball? I don't know, I just ignored it, so I thoroughly don't know.

"Reo." My father greeted my mother as she just nodded at him. "The match still hasn't finished, I presume?" Mother asked. "Yes, they're still at it, which makes it more exciting."


A day passed! It was now December 25, the day of Christmas where I expect two gifts from my parents! Well, at least I expected to. "Kira-chan, we found out that you were interested in stuffed animals."

My parents presented me two wolf-like stuffed animals. One was with white fur, and the other was of black fur. "So we thought that giving these to you would make you happier."

Dad spoke as I sat there with my mouth open. I mean, yeah, I love stuffed animals, they give me some sort of comfort and security. And besides, the black one reminds me of someone...

I took the black and white one with both my hands as I let out happy giggles. My action brought smiles to my parents' faces as I giggled more. It was important that everyone was happy.

*Ding dong* Oh, and it seemed that someone came to visit us today at Christmas, I don't remember my parents talking about anyone giving us a visit. I don't remember, at least.

My mom went to welcome the visitor and it was... "Uncle?" I thought. Ah, I remember now, in my last life, my uncle had also visited us this year, I guess he's here to celebrate Christmas with us.

Dad greeted uncle as they exchanged hugs. Man, as far as I remember, uncle is a very affectionate person and is a great person to talk with. Everyone he met has a favorable opinion of him.

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