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Sorry for the delay! Last chapter is up next, I planned to go further with this story, but sincerely just never got there.

Daniella POV

California, it was always home in my heart, the sun, the weather, the atmosphere. I stood on the balcony, black silk robe hugging my frame as I sipped on my coffee. It'd been months since Cleveland, Colson had gotten off tour a few days ago, his seeming romance with Megan was flourishing. In truth it brought me relief that he was loved and happy. Then there was me, back in the arms I had been in only years ago, very dangerous arms at that.

"Good morning." The deep voice said behind me as an arm coiled around me, lips finding my temple to plant a small kiss.

"Morning, how did you sleep?"

"Alright, lot on my mind." He said quiet, looking out at the water, raising his hand to point to one of the boats, more so yacht for that matter. "My men said there were people tinkering with our boat last night. They investigated it this morning."

"And?" I turned my head to look at him, concern was written on his face.

"I got the passports, the house, it's all set."

"It's rigged?" I questioned him, he only nodded.

"We'll get new names, we'll move away, to another beautiful coast. Danny you can't tell anyone though. If this happened today it's new names, new life, all of it."

"But Sarah and my business. Richard it is my life we're talking about." He sighed, handing me a phone from his sweatpants pocket.

"Call Sarah let her know there is a safety deposit box at her bank, it's box number 121 and it's under her name, they'll open it for her."

"What in it?"

"The truth and a burner. She'll be able to call us and visit if we put in the necessary precautions."

"And Colson?" Richard shook his head.

"He of all people can't know because he'll be in the spotlight and they will watch for his emotions D." I nodded and looked at the phone in my hand before laughing weakly. "Then pack the beach bags, I guess if I'm gonna die today we shouldn't forget anything." Richard only pressed a kiss to my forehead in response before he left me on the balcony alone. I sat down and dialed Sarah's number.

"Hey, Sarah!"

"Hey! Aren't you supposed to be on holiday?"

"I am! I just wanted to check in, listen there is a safety deposit box at your bank under number 121. It's got some super secret drawings for the next fashion issue, can you grab them for me tomorrow?"

"Uh yeah, why not just store them in our cloud?"

"Long story." I managed a laugh, looking at the view. "We're going on the yacht today, I'm ready to just relax."

"Have you told him?"

"Richard? No, I'm not certain yet Sarah. He'd shit an actual chicken if I was ya know." I looked to the inside of the house, Richard was out of view, probably packing or pacing as usual. "I'll get a test this week, I promise. Listen I gotta one more call before we leave. I love you."

"Yeah, love you too. See you tomorrow for yoga!"

"Of course." I hung up, sighing as I looked at the phone and then dialed Colson's number. A frown crossed my lips as it went to voicemail, probably because he didn't recognize the number. "Hey Col, it's me, I just wanted to chat and check in. There has been so much going on I just thought we'd catch up. I got a funny feeling about today, we're going out on the yacht and supposed to just relax. My gut is just telling me something. I'm not sure what though. Anyways, give me a call ok? Tell Megan I said hi and I love you guys." I hung up before walking inside, looking to Richard, his back to me as he placed a few items in the duffel bag.

"So Lola Morgan?" He said, turning as he held up an Italian passport.

"Yeah, Paul? What made you pick Paul?" I smirked, slowly approaching him, running nails down his back before my hand settled on his waist.

"My grandfathers middle name.."

"What do you think about the name James? It is after all your middle name." Richard narrowed his eyes at me, sitting down the passport.

"It's a good name, but we both know we can't link us to our old selves."

"I know, I was just asking." I managed a smile before grabbing my bag. "What's the plan?"

"We go on the yacht, get the runner boat to leave after us. We set the chargers off after we're on the runner. Chris already disabled all of them, but we can manually set them off. He also collected five bodies from the morgue that fit our overall description. I paid the corner to ensure they say it's us and some of the crew the rest will be lost at sea, however they'll be safely with us in Italy."

"Ohhh this is a lot." I said, sitting on the bed before shaking my head.

"We'll be ok I promise." Richard said softly, lifting my chin so I locked eyes with him. It was only hours later that the news was playing on the large screen in the plane, Danny was coiled to Richard on the sofa, eyes heavy from the day's events.

"Richard and Daniella Montez along with their staff aboard a yacht off the coast of Los Angeles caught fire today. There are apparently no survivors from the fire, sources believe this may have been a cartel retaliation as the Montez name has been known to have ties to large drug enterprises. More information is pending further investigation. People closes to those involved have spoken out including even a name many of you know as Machine Gun Kelly, who posted quote, rest in peace my sweet Cleveland angel, dagger earrings will never look quite the same." Danny sighed and rested her head on Richard's chest. Sadness overtook her, but only for a few moments.


"You mean Paul?" She managed a laugh and lifted her head.

"About that name. James. What about James Colson Morgan." Richard narrowed his gaze at her, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"It's a strong name. Something you want to tell me?"

"I think....I'm pregnant. It's only a think, not for certain. I was gonna wait till-." Richard shut her up with a gentle kiss, rare for a man such as himself who always too her with such strength and passion, giving such a feather light kiss. It was in that moment that she was okay with the future they were going after.

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