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Daniella POV

Looking at him in the booth across from me, sipping on a coffee, it felt like old times. Yet both of us could afford the luxurious life now with expensive foods, cars, trips, clothes, you name it we could get it. Cleveland wasn't even in our minds like that anymore. Those two kids in the cafeteria praying there was a nice lunch lady who would slip us an extra meal for home.

"So dare I ask why you stopped answering?" I asked softly, he played with the chain on his wrist.

"I started hanging out with that gang. The one you always warned me about. I couldn't get the jobs in town so I switched to selling and that put food on my table. Then well I finally got my break." He laughed weakly. "I was a mess." I leaned forward to stop his fidgeting.

"If you don't want to talk about it, you don't have to Colson."

"I do, trust me, but it is a lot to take in D. I'm already scared shitless of scaring you off." I laughed softly, getting up and moving to sit next to him in the booth.

"Listen, if your snoring for years didn't scare me off, then I highly doubt your rapper lifestyle is going to scare me. Kells." He chuckled slightly, his arm going behind me and gently brushing against my hair.

"I um have daughter."

"Have you heard your snores?" I responded in a attempts to make that sick feeling in my gut go away. Yet, it still hurt. He sighed, his eyes darting back and forth to examine mine. "What's her name?" I whispered, gently resting my hand on his thigh.

"Casie." He managed a weak smile. "She's amazing. Her mom is great as well, she isn't a bitch. I'm lucky to say the least. We hooked up one night and she came to me, telling me she was pregnant. I umm tried to call you that night." I turned slightly to him, lifting a brow.


"I was scared and fuck." He laughed slightly, bitting his lips together. Colson wasn't the emotional type. He'd do anything not to show how deeply he felt. "You were the only thing that kept my grounded and the sanity I had. D when you left, I was in a really fucked place. By then though you'd changed your number." I looked to my phone sitting on the table before sighing.

"I tried to move on you know. Once I realized you weren't answering. Sarah was there through it. It fucking hurt." I bit the inside of my cheeks before leaning my head on his shoulder. I didn't want him to see my eyes watering. He just kissed the top of my head, his arm wrapped around me.

"I never should have pushed you away."

"Yeah." I took a deep breath, reaching up to mess with the handle of the coffee mug. "I should really be getting home." I lifted my head and looked to him. "Did you drive?"

"Nah I ubered incase the night turned out differently." Colson tossed a hundred on the table as I got out of the booth.

"I'm driving you or you can crash at mine." I yawned as he coiled his arm around me.

"How about I drive us back to yours. You're exhausted." I nodded and guided him to the parking garage where I'd left my car. "I remember this Mercedes." He smirked slightly. "I think I was doing something like this?" He walked around to the front and flashed his middle finger.

"Yeah, I was close to just taking the chance and running you over." A laughed passed my lips as I climbed into the passenger side, coiling into the seat and turning the warmer on once the car was started. He glanced around, probably noticing the lack of personal touch. Heck the car still smelled brand new on the inside, though I'd had it for over a year. I clicked the home button for the GPS before resting my eyes.

"Danny?" I blinked, noticing the car was stopped and I'd surely fallen asleep for the whole ride home. "Gate code?"

"0422" I mumbled, glancing to him. He was smiling slightly, of course it was his birthday. The ghost of a man still ruled tiny pieces of my life. He pulled through the front gate of the community, following it another mile till we were at my house. He clicked the garage button on the dash, pulling into the large garage, with of course an array of toys.

"Still got your need for speed?"

"Yeah. Remember those dirt bikes we used to ride through the streets on?" I smirked before climbing out. He followed me inside, the house was always spotless. After all it was just me and the occasional maid every few days. I'd always pictured a husband and a few kids running down the halls, messing with the elevator, jumping in the pool, the whole nine yards.

"You stay here alone?"

"Yeah. Fourteen million dollars and it's essentially a paper weight." I shrugged, walking up the stairs. I didn't even ask nor offer to show him the guest room. Six years was like a blink now that he was back in my life. Yet, I couldn't stop thinking about his daughter. I wondered if she looked like him, acted like him, or even knew his history. Then again at max she was five or six. I walked into my closet, stripping down and grabbing a t-shirt off the shelf. By the time I was out, Colson was already in my bed, scrolling through his phone. "Do you have a photo of her?"

"Of Casie? Yeah." He smiled slightly as I crawled into the bed. He turned his phone to me and I smiled at the picture.

"She's adorable. Though I assume she takes more after her mother than you?" He nodded before clicking off his phone, setting it on the nightstand.

"A lot more than me. I'm grateful for that though." He move down a bit, opening his arms to me. I placed my head on his chest, curling my arm around his torso. Tattoos covered his torso, the moonlight only giving me a slight view of the designs and such. His fingers caressed my back as I closed my eyes. It wasn't long after that I'd begun falling asleep, and it felt like we were back in Cleveland. The crappy spring mattress nearly falling apart at the seams and the sound of the wind nearly overwhelming our senses in the house. "D?" I didn't answer, nearly drifting off to sleep. He kissed the top of my head, a sigh passing his lips. "I love you." He whispered, nearly too quiet for me to hear. Truth be told I loved him too still.

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