Her Song

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Daniella POV

I could still see that Cleveland boy in him as he stood on the side of th stage. I could still picture me cutting his hair at the kitchen table, a joint in-between his lips. The shy boy that would write in his little black notebook and carried it everywhere.

"I would like to welcome Machine Gun Kelly to the stage!" The crowd started chanting MGK again, I felt nervous, pressed up against the front barrier with Sarah. Truth be told I knew barely any of Colson's songs he played, but then he sat down on the edge of the stage, catching his breath.

"There is a song I gotta play today. You see, I had this girl back in Cleveland and she was my motherfucking world. She went off to Los Angeles and followed her dreams and we promised to keep in touch, but I fucked up. Well the Universe works in funny ways." He shrugged, glancing down at me and flashing a wink. "I might have just gotten a chance with her all over again. This is Her Song."

Oh these times are hard                                                                                                                                                Yeah they're making us crazy                                                                                                                                    Don't give up on me baby

Oh these times are hard
Yeah they're making us crazy
Don't give up on me baby

He didn't move, his eye found me again and I could have sworn he was just speaking directly to me. The rest of the crowd was just background noise, screaming for the man on stage. 

"I'm just out here chasing my dreams girl
But it's crazy cause that dream cost me my dream girl
Promise you I wouldn't change before I left
Now I think leaving is the one thing I regret
Cause the one thing I possess
It wasn't materials, wasn't checks, wasn't cars, wasn't clothes, or any part of success
It was you,
And without that in my life I'm depressed,
You became the new drug I couldn't get
And every time you came over I was on some shit, either too fucked up, or bitchin about how you dress
Even though I remember when you would lay with me when I ain't have a bed,
Buy me food and come wake me up with some head
You had me like a Dread locked down
But I wouldn't show it, instead got on that bus and left you blowing in the wind
Shit and it's fucked up cause every girl I'm with I see your face
Now summers here and I'm sitting outside your place singing this shit"

He got up, wandering to the sides of the stage before jumping down to walk the thin space that was between the stage and guard rails. Everyone tried to touch him, brushing his shoulder, hair or torso. He started rapping the lines as he made his way to the center.

"I never thought for a minute, if you showed me a picture of my life now, that you wouldn't be in it

Took me a couple years to say I loved you, but I meant it
When I said it, wasn't much of a romantic, but you get it
Didn't really smoke, but when I rolled it up you hit it, and we lit it up,
Shotgun in our kisses
And fuck these other bitches baby, fuck these other bitches in my bunk
Staring up at all your pictures that you sent me on my birthday, remember that? Cause I couldn't forget it
Like I forgot yours, but I'm sorry and I said it, I admit it, I fucked up, and I lied, but this is true"

He stopped at me, his hand grasping mine. 

"I don't know what home is because I'm lost without you,
Just like our favorite song, yeah blink 182
Now I just turn it off, when it comes on, I wish I hated you
I used to have someone at 3am that I could call, now it just rings and I don't get nothing at all
Where you at girl?"

"Your call has been forwarded to an automated voice messaging system
Hi, Uhm, I'm not here right now, Please leave a message

The chorus started again as he gave my hand a squeeze then pressed a kiss to my cheek. I was in shock to say the least. That was my voicemail from my old phone number, back when I had finally given up on him calling me. Dare I say I zoned out after that, my body was dancing yet my head was replaying the years, decisions, and potential mistakes. 

I motioned to the backstage area for Sarah to see, she nodded and let me squeeze by her. She wasn't going to miss of the show. Security let me hop over the guard rail, letting me quicker access to the back. Colson was probably still right behind the stage, winding down and catching his breath.

I wanted to the trailer, rinsing off my face before I sat down on the sofa and took a deep breath. Did I regret leaving to California? No, never. Did I regret not working harder to get Colson to come with me of course. However, him staying meant he ran into the people he needed to be successful. My fingers fumbled for a joint in my case, my mind still racing as I took a step outside and lit it, sitting on the metal steps. 

Other musicians were gathering near the unlit fire pits, drinking and smoking. This was his world and I was going to have to live it, learn it, and love it. 

"Dee?" I nearly jumped hearing his voice, yet smiled and motioned to the space beside me. His buddies continued on towards the other artists. 

"I loved it." I mumbled before handing him the joint. 


"I just wish we never lost so many years Colson." I watched him take a drag before pressing a kiss to his shoulder and then resting my head against it. "I'm so proud of you." 

"You dunno how important it is to hear you say that." He chuckled slightly before nudging me to lift my head. He pressed a kiss to my forehead before handing me the joint back. "I'm gonna go shower and then I'll introduce you to everyone?"

"Sure." I flashed a smile before he went inside the trailer. So this was it? My life with Colson Baker. Machine Gun Kelly. 

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