Watch Your Back

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Daniella POV

I rushed into the elevator, slamming the button for the top floor before sighing as I kicked off my heels. As the bell pinged, I scooped up my shoes, walking to the door and unlocking the studio. Surely I had beaten Richard, he'd be standing here was a displeased look.

"You took forever." I jumped, dropping my shoes, he was sitting in one of the chairs near the balcony entrance.

"How- I don't even want to know."

"I still have the spare key. I can't believe you didn't change the lock." He nearly hissed the words, laced with displeasure of such a foolish mistake. I sighed, digging in my purse as I approached him.

"Well now knowing you can get in here, consider them changed. Here it is, Sarah's pride and joy." I sat down in the chair beside his as he took the phone from my hand. A chuckle escaped his brims as he swiped the screen, typing in Sarah's birthday. Disabled 1 minute. "Tried it."

"Your birthday?"


"Day you two met?"

"Yup." I sighed, glancing at the view.

"Day the company started." He glanced to me as I shook my head no. "We'll keep trying till we really get locked out. Then I'll call in a favor."

"Your favors are what got me hurt." I peeled eyes from the view as he looked to the phone.

"Danny that was anything but a favor. That was someone I thought I could trust to protect you stab me in the back." His jaw tensed before he looked back to the phone, typing in the date. "Bingo." He scrolled through, tilting his head.


"Someone was picking her up last night. She doesn't have the number saved. Whose Colson?" He glanced to me, lifting a brow.

"An old friend."

"Not by these texts." He showed me Sarah and I's thread. I snatched Sarah's phone before standing.

"Richard it isn't any of your business." He stood, towering over me. Not as tall as Colson, but Richard was all muscle.

"I want you safe Danny." He raised his hand, gently brushing my cheek. "The only reason I let you go was for you safety." I nodded before moving his hand away.

"I know. Colson is a good guy. He's the Colson I told you about. From Cleveland." He nodded before a sigh escaped him.

"Just please if something happens. You call me."

"Of course." I mumbled, looking down.

"What ever you do you watch your back Danny." I glanced back up to him nodding before looking to the phone in my hand. "I'm gonna try calling that number yeah?" He nodded and backed away as I walked to the balcony, clicking call on the number.

"Hello?" I looked to Rick, my eyes surely showed the concern.

"Sarah? Where are you?"

"I dunno..." She started sobbing. "Danny there are trees and it's like a forest?" Rick snatched the phone as I stared blankly ahead.

"Listen Sarah, I want you to ditch that fucking phone. Someone could be tracking it. In fact I'm tracking it right now. I have no idea how the fuck you got to the redwoods forest. Just, smash the fucking phone and stay right where you are and if you see anyone, you hide." He hung up and I watched the anger course through his veins, quite literally. Rick's temper was something no one knew unless you were either previously dating him, working for him, or family. His body always seemed so tense, he walked with such pride.

"I thought you said her and I were safe?" I sighed, grabbing my purse and keys. "Let's go. Let's just get Sarah and I want back to my life Richard. Away from your ticking time bomb disaster." He stopped in his tracks, his jaw tightened, I could see the muscle twitch.

"Danny. My offer still stands and you know that. We'd be out of this country, new names, new clothes, new houses, new whatever you wanted darling." He relaxed before turning once more and taking lead. Richard was my LA Colson if we were being honest. Drug lord though, and a million times more dangerous. I sighed and followed after him, my body nearly trembling.

Rich nearly smashed the button for ground floor, then guiding me to his car. Of course it was one of those bullet proof style land rovers. Probably was completely bulletproof if I could take a guess.

Thankfully the drive was silent initially, Richard was relaxed now, hand hanging on the steering wheel, glasses covering his eyes. I had loved him, still did and always would. However loving him was dangerous and he knew that. That's why he let me go in hopes to keep me alive long enough to see a child or maybe some grand children.

"Is he good to you?" He mumbled, turning down the radio a bit.

"He was, but I'm still just getting to know him again."

"Danny if he hurts you I'll -"

"Hush, I know Rich. However Colson isn't like that or at least he wasn't when I knew him." I knew Richard's famous statement. If he hurts you I'll kill him, but probably in some terrible touring way. I glanced down to my phone, a ton of missed messages from Colson. I bit my lips together, swiping my thumb across the screen.

D: Found Sarah, on my way to get her now
C: Do you need me to go with you?
D: No, I have a friend who knows the area x
D: Hope to be back tonight.
C: call me when you get home. I want to make sure you're safe

I clicked off the screen and then looked to Richard.

"I have a favour to ask."

"You never need to ask." He glanced to me as I tapped my fingers against the back of my phone.

"I need you to look into Machine Gun Kelly also known as Colson Baker." He nodded, glancing to his phone before he picked it up. It was a favour I should have never asked for in hindsight.

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