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Danny POV

I glanced down at my phone screen, my finger swiping to delete the phone number. Richard always said if anyone calls to tell him, but who knew if it was just a random prank caller. I couldn't be concerned about every phone call, knock at the door, or odd looking individuals.

"You good?" I nearly jumped hearing Colson from the doorway, looking at me with his arms crossed. I nodded slowly before tossing my phone onto the bed.

"Yeah, just another weird call. I answered and no one was there. They hung up after a few moments. Probably just some weirdo who got my number." I shrugged, watching as he approached me, if he didn't believe me he wasn't pushing it.

"Well, your guard dog is not parked outside, which means we can sneak off to one of those shows today. I know we weren't planning to leave till the main events but we gotta check out NF. I hear he's legit." He sighed, pressing gentle kisses to my face, brushing my hair out of the way to continue them on my neck and shoulder. "Tonight it'll be just us here right?"

"Hmmm." I hummed a response before gently pushing him back to focus on find what I planned to wear. "Yes, but first let's go enjoy those shows. I know Richard will find us there so it can't hurt to just leave." I looked to Colson before flicking through the clothes hanging. It only took a few moments for me to find the light leather jacket to go with the torn up jeans and T-shirt I was wearing.

"You never told me about your back. Are you ever going to?" A sigh escaped me as I skipped the jacket on, slowly walking to Colson, my heels clicking against the wooden floor.

"I was pushed down some mental stairs. Long story short it hurt and I'm fine now." I took his hand giving it a squeeze, but I knew it was all lies. A shiver ran up my skin at the memory. The cartels were ruthless to say the least and Richard. He ran one with enough enemies to populate a small country. Being the wife of him made a perfect target on my back, one I knew was still loitering even if there was distance and a new man in the picture. Colson knew me better than I knew myself, he sighed letting my hand go.

"You know you don't need to lie to me right?" He nearly hissed the words, towering over me. "I'm not the young kid you left behind! I'm not weak and I sure as hell don't need protecting from whatever it is your hiding! If you wanna tell me the truth. Find me at the damn festival. I don't have time for your games D." He backed up, cursing under his breath as he went for the door, I could hear his footsteps down the stairs and the front door.

"Fuck." I mumbled, plopping down on the bed, falling back and looking up to the ceiling. I couldn't tell him, it wasn't that easy. Saying I got kidnapped, beaten, used, and nearly sold and shipped away to another country wasn't like telling him I had a child like he did. My mind raced yet, I knew I had only once choice before telling Colson. I sat up, grabbing my things and dialing Richard as I went for the door.

"Dare I ask why you're willingly calling me?"

"I need to tell him. About us, about the kidnapping, all of it Richard." I heard his throaty growl, a familiar noise of him hitting a joint and releasing his breath.

"Not now Danny. Now is a very bad time."

"Why, I thought you said I was safe?"

"Well you're fucking not! I thought you were but we had a bug recently. I only discovered it the day after we scooped Sarah up off the side of the road. He was watching you and Sarah. Why the hell do you think I've been hanging out with you and that Jack skellington looking guy? To protect you." I sighed, tears were threatening to spill from my eyes.

"You promised me Richard! Please tell me it isn't connected to the phone calls I've been getting." My voice cracked as noise came from downstairs, probably Colson, or at least that's what I was hoping. "Rich, hold on."

"What is it? Danny what phone calls?! Don't move. I'm heading to my car." I stood, digging in my nightstand for the handgun I'd always kept for emergencies. Something Richard has instilled in me when I'd learned who and what he was behind the business man facade.

"I think it's Colson, but I'm not sure."

"I'm on my way. Don't fucking move. Danny lock yourself in the room alright? What if it isn't Colson." I was already on my mental mission, tiptoeing along the hallway upstairs to get a balcony view of the open floor plan. My eyes landed on a knocked over plant, the ocean breeze blowing through the backdoor.

"It was just a plant." I sighed with relief, wandering back to my room to put the gun down. My hand trembling as I clutched the metal, the other hand clinging to the phone in a death grip still.

"Danny, I'm still coming over. The plant might have been a distraction. You never know with these guys." I heard his car door slam, the engine revving as he more than likely was flooring it here even against my request.

"I can't worry about every little noise. Please it was probably just the wind knocking it over. The breeze is strong today." I slipped it in the drawer, trying to slow down my pounding heart. The relief was short lived as an arm went around my neck and a cloth over my mouth. My phone falling to the floor as I kicked and tried to scream. The familiar taste and scent filling my senses and then bliss. Unconscious bliss for what was to come.

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