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Colton POV

D: made it home.
C: what's wrong?
D: Sarah is a little banged up.

I called her with no answer, cursing under my breath. She was probably exhausted or tending to Sarah.

"Everything good?" I glanced to Slim and shrugged.

"Yeah Danny found Sarah, but apparently she's a bit banged up. I wonder what happened to her."

"We could go take a ride?"

"It's 4am dude, I don't think Danny would appreciate a visit at this hour." Rook snickered, grabbing the keys off the coffee table in the studio.

"Nonsense, she's probably awake." I groaned, grabbing my things and motioning to Rook.

"Then lead the way, but if the lights are off then we just keep driving. I'm not being the dick head who wakes her up. Trust me, waking up Danny is like waking up a hibernating bear."

"You really do care about her don't you?" I followed him outside, but didn't answer. It was true I always care about her. We made promises that had long been broken, yet this felt like the chance to make them all up. I searched through her contact, inputting the address she'd sent me for her house days ago. My stomach was in knots as he drove, even more so when I could see the lights on from the gate. A man with broad shoulders was standing on the porch, smoking as we pulled through the open gate.

"Whose that?"

"You think I know?" I mumbled, slowly climbing out of the car.

"Can I help you?" He hollered before taking another drag from his blunt.

"I just came to check on Danny. Is she still awake? I'm Col-"

"I know who you are and yeah she's awake." He motioned to the front door. "Go ahead." I looked back to Rook, still sitting in the car and definitely scared shitless of the man standing guard. 

"Thanks, who are you?" I looked to him as I walked by, his head was buzzed, the suit expensive as hell, yet a t-shirt under the blazer.

"Not someone you need to know. Go say hi before I change my damn mind." I nodded, not daring to pick a fight as I walked inside. 


"Living room!"I wandered between the two staircases, following the sound of the tv. She was sitting by Sarah, completely passed out and resting on one of the sofas. Two glasses of wine were sitting on the table, boxes of Chinese food still on the coffee table. "I wasn't expected you to stop by tonight." She smiled, getting up and wandering over. "I assume you meant the grumpiest man on earth out front?"

"Yeah, am I interrupting something?"

"No!" She laughed slightly. "Richard and I are not together. More like my bodyguard. We're only awake to keep an eye on Sarah. Did he say something to you?" I shook my head, glancing around before taking a step back.

"I was just concerned is all. I should probably get going, Rook is in the car and that guy is potentially questioning him." She laughed slightly and shook her head.

"Rich is like a bear. Thick exterior, but he means well Cole."

"Do I mean well?" I glanced to the large hall I had just come from, Rich was wandering in, relaxing a chuckle. "Are you and your friend staying the night? I was just going to lock up and head upstairs."

"We'll hangout out for a bit." I glanced to D, her approving smile showing. I could hear Rich's shoes making noise down the hall and up the stairs as I texted Rook to come inside. 

"You called off the attack dog?" Daniella chuckled to Rook's comment, Sarah stirred slightly. 

"He's not an attack dog."

"No he's your mafia ex-husband." Sarah mumbled, sitting up as she held her head. Do I dare admit at that moment I felt destroyed inside. My stomach dropped down to my feet and I felt like I could sink to the floor. 

"Sarah he helped me find you. We need to figure out why you were even taken." Danny sat down and sighed, taking a deep breath before she picked up her wine glass. 

"Ex-husband?" It spilled from my mouth as I looked to her, sitting down. 

"Long story Colson." I nodded, dropping the subject for when we were alone next.

"So who took me?" Sarah grumbled, her eyes were half closed. 

"Richard doesn't know. He has his people looking into it." 

"The same way people looked into your kidnapping?" Danny shot Sarah a look before grabbing the boxes of Chinese food. 

"Enough. I'm cleaning up. I'll get you up to the spare room since you're feeling spunky." Danny wandered to the kitchen, I didn't even notice I was clenching my fist. Sarah was regretting her statement, but she'd let it slip. Danny motioned to the stairs. "It's late, Rook there is room for you as well." Just go in any one of the open doors, the bed and bathroom is made up for you." She led us up the stairs, the door beside the master closed. Danny guided Sarah to the other room next to the master before wandering into her room. I followed behind her, sighing as I closed the door.


"I don't want to talk about it."

"We have to talk about it." I sat on the bed, sitting my phone on the nightstand as she walked into her closet, coming out wearing a robe.

"Richard was my LA Colson. Trouble and all. Simple as that." She shrugged, yet when she walked by me I grabbed her hand, yanking her to me. 

"He isn't me."

"He is worse than the young reckless you. I loved him and I always will. However, there are some people you just don't belong with and he is one of those people." I could see tears in her eyes, the guard crumbling right in front of me. I pulled her into my arms, her silent tears soaking my t-shirt. "Why..."

"Why what beautiful?"

"Why'd you stop answering me.... why'd you let me go Colson?"

"I don't know, but I'm not doing it again." 

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