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Colson POV

I woke up, the space beside me empty, yet I could still smell her scent across the pillow as I rolled over. It felt unreal having Danny this close again. I'd be a fool to lose her again.

"D?" I mumbled before sitting up, glancing at the clock. The sun was barely up, which meant I was rarely up at this time no matter the day. I got up and wandered down the hall and downstairs. A dare I say, sigh of relief passing my lips seeing her sitting outside and not gone. She was in my shirt, a coffee mug in her hand as she glanced to her phone then back to the skyline. That was D in a nutshell. I was just in my boxers when I wandered to the door, leaning in the archway.

"Did I wake you?" She glanced to me, flashing a smile. I shook my head, motioning inside.

"Not at all, but I wish I had woken up with you beside me for old times sake." She chuckled before taking a sip of her coffee.

"Sorry, I can't sleep in anymore and by that I mean past maybe 8."

"No longer the night owl are you?" She shook her head as I wandered to where she was sitting at the end of the lounge chair. I sat behind her and pressed a kiss to her neck. I could smell my cologne mixed with her perfume and a hint of a cigarette from the fabric.

"LA changed me a lot if I'm being honest."

"Yeah it changed us both. However, I want you in my life Danny." I ran my hand up her arm, I could see the goosebumps rise near her wrist. "I want you in every part of it." Truth be told she probably couldn't handle some parts of it. My darkest demons only appeared once she left Cleveland. She took a sip of her coffee before setting it on the table by the chair. She leaned into my embrace, a sigh escaping her as she got comfortable.

"I'm open to it Colson, I really am."


"There is no but, anything after but is bullshit." She laughed slightly. "I just know what the stereotypical lifestyle is for rockstars and usually it ends up with a hurt girlfriend and a lot of broken promises." I wanted to tell her that it wasn't true, but it was definitely how a majority of my recent relationships had ended.

"That won't happen with us Danny." That I meant every word to, especially to her. I scooped her up, wandering back inside, the breeze not as strong once inside. She coiled her arms around my neck, leaning to press a kiss to my cheek.

"Where are you carrying me off to?"

"Back to bed, it's too early." I pouted as she laughed. I got us back to her room, tossing Danny onto the bed before climbing up. I pulled her into my embrace, pressing my lips to hers. If there was one thing I needed, it was to be close as possible to this girl. In a swift motion I'd positioned to be on top of her, kissing along her neck as her head fell back into the pillow. The thing about Danny was I knew every move she'd make, every moan, and whispered words.
I unbuttoned my shirt that hugged her form, black lace outlining her features. My eyes landed on some scars as I kissed down her stomach, from what they were I didn't know, but they were faint.
She took control, finding a way to flip me off of her and her body on top of mine. Her fingers ran along my chest, tracing a tattoo till she got to my neck. She smirked slightly as she gave a bit of a squeeze before leaning down to kiss me. I was more excited than a school boy getting the one and only date with prom queen. Yet as all things tend to go, my phone began ringing, I was going to murder whoever it was on that other line.
"You should uh." She whispered against my lips. Danny moves to grab me my phone, yet stayed straddling my lap, just wearing her lace. I grumbled, looking at Rook's dumb face on my screen as I swiped to answer.
"This better be good. Really good Rook."
"It is, Sarah is missing bro, she stayed at mine last night, and her phone and all her things are here."
"Well, she's fucking not." I cursed under my breath, looking down at Danny's hands on my chest.
"I'm on my way, I'll bring Danny, she would know." I hung up and took her hands on mine, kissing both. "We need to get ready and head over Rook's. He can't find Sarah."
"She's missing?" She lifted a brow before I nodded. "That isn't like Sarah to wander. I'll go shower really quick." She got up and I froze seeing her back. Each phase of the moon was down her spine, but it was there in attempts to hiding something.
I got up, swallowing the lump in my throat as I walked to her bathroom. She looked to me, unclipping her bra.
"It was surgery." She mumbled, roughly biting her top lip.
"Yeah and I know you." My jaw tensed.
"Not right now okay? Yes it was surgery but there was a reason for the surgery okay? I need to collect Sarah from whatever sand dune she's slept in and then we can talk about it." She stripped in front of me and I couldn't help but watch as she walked into the shower.
I definitely wasn't missing the chance to join her. Even though I knew she was hiding something major from me. I'd wait till she was ready to speak about it.

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