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Colson POV

The camera flashed in my face, a grumble passing my lips as I glanced to the woman behind the camera. She glanced down at her computer screen and nodded towards me.

"All done." I stood, wandering over to my phone on one of the tables. We were finishing up the things needed for General Admission, aiming to release it completely in the fall. I sat down on the stool, sighing as I unlocked my screen, flashing a smile at Danny and I's dumb pose as my background. I had to make sure this album wasn't a bust, not just for me, but for her. Cold hands ran up my back, a smirk crossing my lips as they moved to squeeze my shoulders.

"For a man that has everything you look so defeated my love." She mumbled, pressing a kiss to my temple.

"That woman took 50 photos and none of them seemed to give her whatever she was looking for apparently."

"Well you happen to be dating one of the best in the business. Come here, we'll get what the record company wants." She smirked as I glanced back at her, sitting down my phone. She took my hand and stopped for a moment, looking around for a moment. She started kicking a cooler towards the painted black brick wall, motioning for me to sit before she grabbed one of the stand lights. She put it off into the distance, picking up the camera the woman left on the table. She wandered over to me and handed me the camera before ruffling up my hair. She leaned back and looked at me. "Hold your head up with your right hand, rest your elbow on your knee for me." She took the camera and kneeled close to me, taking a photo of me and glancing down at it.


"I like it." She mumbled, glancing back up at me, her smile showing her dimples. She stood and sat the camera back on the table, walking back over to me. The thing about Danny is she could make me feel like prey, trapped between her and a brick wall, quite literally. She adjusted a few strands of my hair, my hand brushing against her lower thigh.

"What is on your mind?"

"I just keep thinking about how proud I am of you. You've got an album coming out, it's gonna do great Cole." She smiled, I stood, towering over her. I pressed a kiss to her forehead before lifting my head to the sound of giggling. A smirk crossed my lips as I took Danny's hand and slowly turned her around.

"Well if it isn't my little trouble maker!" Casie was hiding behind her mother slightly before running towards me. I let Danny go to scoop her up, pressing a kiss to her cheek.

"Daddy! I missed you!" Danny moved away slightly, smiling towards Emma.

"I missed you too. I didn't know you guys were coming. Hey Em!"

"Hey Colson." She managed a smile before walking over to us.

"This is Daniella, the one I told you about on the phone." Emma and Danny shook hands, flashing smiles.

"I've heard a ton about you Daniella."

"As I have about you and your beautiful daughter." Casie leaned into my arms, giggling.

"It is nice to meet you." she nearly whispered to Danny before motioning to the camera. "Did they do a photoshoot for you?!"

"Yeah, but the lady who did them was not happy about it." I chuckled, sitting her down. She tugged me over to the camera, leaving Emma and Danny to chat. It made me a bit nervous to say the least, but they needed to speak. After all that was the love of my life and the women who carried my child.

"Is Danny going to be like mommy?" I shook my head, kneeling down beside her as she looked at the camera.

"Danny will never be mommy, but she is someone very special to daddy." She nodded before looking at the photo still on the camera's screen. "When are you going on tour?"

"Not for a few more months, but I'll make sure you come to visit me okay? We'll see some cool places, maybe hit up some theme parks?" Her eyes lit up before she nodded, setting the camera down. Danny and Emma wandered over, laughing about something till Danny's phone rang.

"Excuse me." She wandered out into the hall, setting out of view.

"She's good for you Colson." Emma mumbled, watching our daughter pose against the green screen. "I no longer wonder why you talked about her so much." I sighed, leaning against the desk and nodding slowly.

"Yeah, she'll be good for our daughter too. She isn't like the girls I've been seeing. D was with me when I didn't even have a bed to sleep in or food to eat."

"I remember the stories. It isn't you I'm worried about. It's her." Emma shrugged. "I know how you get on tour. You're not you Colson Baker. You are Machine Gun Kelly the party animal and drug user." Her voice trailed off. "Don't do her wrong especially with getting a second chance." I lowered my eyes, taking a deep breath. She was more than right to say the least. I could never learn how to separate myself from that side of me. "I gotta get Casie to practice, I'm sorry we can't stay long."

"It's okay, I'm glad I got to say hi at least."

"Come on Casie, we've gotta get going."

"Can I stay with dad this coming weekend?" She flashed those puppy dog eyes and Emma chuckled.

"As long as he isn't too busy. We'll see." Casie grinned before giving me a hug.

"See you this weekend sweetie." I pressed a kiss to her temple before letting her go.

"See you later daddy!" Emma guided her out just as Danny walked back in, glancing down at her phone.

"You good?"

"Yeah, just work and busy as usual. There is never enough time in the day." I nodded, pulling her into my embrace.

"We'll figure it out. We always do."

"Yeah, what did Emma say?" I chuckled slightly.

"Just to treat you well." Danny lifted a brow before shrugging it off. Emma was right, I couldn't fuck up this time.

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