Glass House

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A/N: Hey all, had a bit of writer's block with this story and started a few others. Let me know what you'd like to see happen or if you'd like it to continue. If not I can definitely do a quick wrap up in a few chapters or carry it on. 

Colson POV

He carried her in, she was like a broken doll in his arms, her eyes nearly swollen shut, blood smeared across her features and coating her hands. Sarah yelped, hiding her face in my shirt as Danny uttered some words.

I followed them up, watching as she looked to us and smiled as she went under. The woman closed the door, Richard sighed, wandering down the stairs and yanking off his bullet proof vest.

"She's in good hands with Maria."

"This is your fault Richard." Sarah mumbled, she was angry, walking after him and shoving him in the back once they were both down the stairs. His jaw tensed as he turned to look at her. I walked down, gently pulling Sarah back.

"You don't think I know this? She's stubborn! I could have her half way across the country in a bikini on a yacht! However you know Danny! Wants to tough everything out like always. This is just as much my fault as it is yours. She couldn't leave this world behind! She can't quit even if it means saving her fucking life. She'd rather stay here in fucking Los Angeles with you two fools! Cause fuck actually getting out of here alive right?! Don't blame me when she isn't stay here for me. She's staying here because of you both." His voice trailed off as he kept walking to the kitchen. He yanked off his bloody shirt, wandering outside to Danny's firepit and tossing it in before he washed his hands. He put on a dress shirt and sighed, looking at the view.

"So what happens now?"

"I hunt the Cortez." He glanced to me as he watched one of his men set the shirt ablaze. "You take care of Danny. Maria has machines probably assessing her right now. Broken ankle is certain and hopefully just some broken ribs. Rest is probably it and internal bruising if I'm right."

"Sir, plane leaves in 30." Richard nodded to the man.

"This didn't happen. Maria will handle it if she needs to go to the hospital. She fell down the stairs or something. Decided to join the UFC. None of our problem. Maria will be in charge." He glanced around, grabbing his blazer off the back of a chair before heading for the door. Just like that they were all gone besides the two guards out front.

I sighed, looking to Sarah before wandering upstairs and setting up camp beside her bedroom door. It was hours later when Maria walked out, stopping to look at me. She sighed, handing me a paper with neat handwritten instructions and gave a nod. Her team carrying various suitcase sized boxes as she took lead to go downstairs.

"What's it say?" Sarah mumbled, leaning closer to me.

"Richard was right. Medication list and when to give it to her." I stood, slowly walking into her room. She looked so peaceful laying in the middle of her bed, her eyes were barely open, yet I knew she was looking at me. She lifted her hand, curling a finger to beckon me. All the blood was gone as if it never had even been there. Her hair slightly damp still, yet combed and resting against her shoulders.

"Hey you." She mumbled, forcing a smile, though she winced from the pain she manage to keep a small smile. I sat down, gently taking her hand and kissing the back.

"I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have yelled that day and stormed out. Maybe then-"

"You'd have probably been dead. Let's not think about the past." She sighed, closing her eyes, yet her thumb stroked the back of my hand. "Remember the night we first saw each other again?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"You were holding me and you thought I was asleep. You said I love you."

"Yeah." I chuckled slightly, a smile managing to cross my features. "What about it?"

"I love you too." She said weakly, her voice was raspy, each breath sounded like it might just be destroying her inside. "I'm so sorry."

"Shhh, you don't have anything to be sorry about. Get some rest." I leaned forward, pressing a kiss to her cheek. "I love you." She was already back in sleep's embrace, how we even planned to pull this off was beyond me. Cleveland was gangsters and drugs dealers, but LA had the Mafia. I gently let her hand go, wandering back into the hall, Sarah standing in the doorway.

"I have a plan." She mumbled, turning on her heels to walk with me downstairs.

"That is?"

"She goes on tour with you. Shows the mafia that she truly has no ties with Richard. Plus she could do the photography in the studio, on the road, the whole lot. You know she could!"

"You know Danny, she's stubborn. If this works though she could be in even more danger. Unless some of her mafia ex's friends go with us." Silence came over us both for a moment. 

"It's the only chance she has." 

"No, she has a chance if we convince her to leave LA. If she does exactly what Richard said she'd be safe for the rest of her life."

"She won't go." Sarah huffed, looking to the bedroom door before returning her gaze back to her hands. "Then we only have one option. We try the tour route or well she dies and we really lose her." Part of me couldn't help but think that she was better off with Richard, only because he could protect her far better than I could if a attempt on her life were to happen. Then again if she'd never have met him she wouldn't be in this mess. 

"You're right." I simply said, lowering my eyes as well to one of my tattoo's a tiny little D etched into my skill, my thumb running over it as I huffed a breath. "We hope for the fucking best like always."

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