Sand Dunes

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Daniella POV

I couldn't tell Colson, not yet at least. He'd murder those who dared to lay a hand on me. Heck it had been like that since we were kids. We rushed to get dressed before heading out towards Rook's house. I glanced at Sara's location, tapping refresh to see if it moved at all. It was merely right outside of Rook's house, right on the beach.

"What's wrong?" Colson mumbled, driving my car of course, glancing to me for a moment.

"I dunno. Sarah isn't one to just disappear." I sat my phone down, sighing. It couldn't be him, he wouldn't dare take Sarah would he? I chewed on the inside of my lip thinking about Richard. One of the most dominant business men I knew. Ex lover of mine who didn't like being told no.

Richard was worse than Colson in the protective sense. He'd paid for the tattoo to cover up the scarring, he'd paid for the surgery after I was beaten nearly to death. Granted he was the reason I'd been beaten. Business deals in LA can cost you a life. I shivered at the thought, glancing to my phone once more. Richard wouldn't take Sarah. If anything she'd go with him cause she knew the sheer power that man had.

Colson stopped the car outside of Rook's, his arm coiled around my torso as he guided me along. Like I said, protective was a minor statement with him. Rook was at the door, rubbing his temples.

"Dude, I looked everywhere and called her phone."

"Hold that thought." I mumbled, walking through his house towards the patio. I sighed with relief looking over the balcony, at least there wasn't a body. However, there was her phone. I ran down the stairs, picking up the phone and glancing around. It was warm from sitting in the sun, yet the screen still lit up, messages flooding the screen since nearly midnight. However, still locked of course.

"You find anything?!" Colson yelled from the top of the balcony.

"Just her phone!" I yelled back, walking towards the stairs. "Guys, Sarah doesn't go anywhere without her phone. She's the most social person I know." I sighed, walking to one of the chairs and scrolling through her notifications. "We need to call the police, nothing is standing out on her phone."

"The police?"

"Yeah, you gonna find her?" The two of them looked at eachother before shaking their heads. "Then it's settled."

"We have to wait 48 hours to even report it. They won't do anything. They'll tell you to call back" Colton mumbled as I was already dialing.

"Santa Monica Police department."

"Hi, um my name is Daniella Clark, my friend Sarah Jones is missing, she's been missing for twelve hours."

"We can start the report, however we can't begin a investigation for up to 48 hours. Can you give me the address? We'll send a unit out to get your information and see the scene in the mean time." I gave them the address before glancing to the view.

"Maybe she's at the neighbors or something?" Rook glanced down the beach.

"She doesn't leave her phone." I chewed on my lip for moment, glancing to my phone. "I have one person who might be able to help us." I wandered along the balcony, scrolling through my contacts. My thumb hovered over his name before clicking call.

"Hey, everything okay?"

"Hey, I um need a favour. It's Sarah. She's missing and I know that you're like a hawk with this city." I watched Colson follow my every move. "Rich, you think someone went after her?"

"Danny, as far as I know they wouldn't. Everything has been going smoothly lately."

"I've got her phone, but it's locked. The police-"

"Stop right there. Listen don't tell them you've got her phone. Where are you?"

"I'm in Santa Monica. Where she went missing. Listen I can meet you at my office."

"Fine, just don't tell the police you've got her phone. I'll get us into it, we'll see if there is anything about where or who might have her. Listen I gotta go into a meeting, I'll be at the office as soon as I can." He hung up and I sighed, glancing at the phone.

"Who was that?"

"A friend of mine. He knows more than any cop in this city. Listen I gotta run to my office. Can you stay here and answer to the police?" Colson's jaw tensed as he groaned slightly.

"Me of all people speaking to the police?" He motioned to his appearance."They'll think I've done it!"

"Dude it's fine, we don't look smart enough for a kidnapping let alone murder."

"Can we not say murder?" I mumbled, walking over to Colson. His arms went around me as he pressed a kiss to my forehead.

"Text me when you get there okay?" I slipped my keys from his pocket, looking up to him.

"Of course. Let me know what the cops say okay? Don't say anything about having a phone. I'm giving it to my friend to hack. Maybe it will help us find her." He nodded before I stoop on my tipy toes to reach his lips. "I'll be careful."

"Yeah." He pecked my lips again before letting me go, reaching in his pocket. A smirk crossed his lips as I raised the keys. "Still as slick as before."

"Always hot hands." I smirked before waving to Rook. "Keep an eye on him okay?" He saluted me as I rolled my eyes. "Keep me posted you two." I began walking through the house, taking a deep breath. Was bringing Richard into this really the best move? Maybe not, especially with Colson in the picture. I dunno who would try and kill the other first.

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