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Persephone's pov

A buzz comes to my ear and I'm rolling myself around to pick up my phone. My eyes widen when I see the time, but they widen even more when I see who's calling me.

My mother.

How lovely.

My finger swipes across the screen after a small practice of saying 'hello', trying not to sound like I just woke up.

''Hello?'' The rasp in my voice would be heard from across the ocean.

''Persephone? Did you just wake up?''


There's no coming back now, I can't lie to her cause she's going to know either way.

''Yea.'' My eyes close and I fall back onto my pillow.

''Aren't you supposed to be at work, young lady?'' I shot my eyes open and cold sweat immediately covers my skin.

''Um.'' I don't even know what to say. My sight wanders around the ceiling. ''No. I have a day off today.''

''Really? Me and your father thought about visiting you today.'' Mother, don't be angry with me. You have many, many stupid ideas but this one beats all of them.

''Why would you, I'm doing just fine?'' I haven't even processed what I'm saying until the words leave my lips. ''Fuck, fuck, fuck.'' I mouth to myself and slap my hand against my face. ''Well, yes. I'm not working every day, they gave me more free time.'' I'm trying to sound nicer.

''I think you should ask them to change your schedule and make it a daily work. It'll be good for you.'' Her note is calm but confident.

In your dreams.

''I have another wor-'' My mouth stays open, tongue pressed to my teeth. I stare at my own reflection and throw my hands into the air at my stupidity.

''Really, where?''

''At a pharmacy.'' I'm surprised by my own words. I've never been good at lying.

I hate myself for agreeing with Riley and getting into that car.

She just got the car she always dreamed about and she was so excited to give me a ride. She waited for so long. I couldn't say 'no' to her. I've been so absent in the past few days, that I felt like I owe her.

''Well, look at that. Christian, did you hear that? Our daughter said she started working at a pharmacy!'' When I hear her mentioning my dad's name I want to dig myself a hole, lay down in it, and bury myself deep that, so I wouldn't be in this situation. Right now I'm absolutely screwed. ''Congratulations sweetie, we're so proud of you.'' The enthusiasm in her voice almost makes me want to empty my stomach.

I answer with a small. ''Thanks.''

''We're both so happy that you're finally over your 'I want to work at a club' phase. Almost thought you're never going to stop with that silliness. Thank God you finally know better than those low lives.''

Something inside me breaks as she continues.

''I couldn't imagine my daughter working at such a dive with women who prostitute themselves. I don't even want to think about the clothes that they wear.'' A sob, so quiet that I'm surprised I heard, comes from deep in my chest.

''L-look mum. I have to go. I just realized I have something to do, I totally forgot.'' I squint my eyelids, trying not to cry.

She laughs. ''Silly girl. We'll call you soon.''

''Okay, bye.''


The whole energy I just had, is gone now. She wiped the smile off my mouth. My lungs burn and I want to start crying, but I stop myself from doing that.

This is exactly why my parents don't have to know everything I do. I decided not to tell them everything a while ago. They're always trying to make it look bad and they make disgusting, unnecessary comments and I'm only getting hurt. Getting toxicity right from your parents is probably the worst way for it to get into your life, but you are unable to change that because they're your parents. There's no one else such as them in the world. You have to love them and show them respect even if you don't agree with them. That's so annoying because I watch as they fall with some steps that they take and I'm not allowed to say a word about it, bad or good, it doesn't matter, I just can't. But when it comes to them they feel free to point out every single one of my mistakes and it crushes me over and over. I'm not saying that making mistakes is a bad thing. This is in our nature. But reminding me of my own isn't right.

I get off the bed and make it. Some tears have already dried and I see wet trails on my cheeks as I come to the mirror.

In moments like that, I realize how much I hate myself.

Everyone just wants to be appreciated. We want others to be proud of us no matter what we do, no matter what we decide, no matter if they agree with us.

I'm so fucking jealous of everyone who gets this kind of support.

I move away from the mirror, not wanting to see myself, and take my clothes off. I step into a cold shower and the water hits my hair. I'm trying to relax myself a bit and lighten up since I have a shift at the club tonight. I quickly wash my hair and brush my teeth, leaving my routine today since I don't have the energy for that. Wrapped in a towel, I walk around my apartment.

I don't even pay much attention to the surroundings, but at some point, I hear Riley coming inside.

''Hey.'' She stops next to the couch, where I'm sitting, and trying to find something interesting on TV.

''Hey.'' I answer her quietly, not looking at her and chewing on my nails.

She slaps my hand away and I give her a bored look. ''You better fucking stop that. Why isn't your hair dry yet? Persephoneee.'' She wails right next to my ear.

''I'm almost ready.''

''You always say that. Come on, I'm gonna make you look all pretty. I'll make your make-up and then we'll pick something sexy for you.'' I can't force my mouth to form into a smile, but on the inside, I'm very happy that she's here.

She takes a seat in front of me and puts my hair behind my ears. She works her magic on me, making a simple wing on my eyelid, then she repeats the process on the other eye. She doesn't forget to finish it with small pointy ends in the corners of my eyes and uses some black eyeshadow to make my eyes look even longer and more closed. She gives some finish touches by overlining my lips and filling them. She takes her time curling my hair and pinning them in half, leaving some loose strands. We don't really talk, each one of us is in our own world.

''Look, I have something special for you, for tonight.'' Her hands dig into a big bag, that I haven't noticed before.

I sigh when I see a black, small, pretty corset finished with golden elements and a black ribbon between each cup to tie them together and make the breasts sit even higher. ''Riley, oh my God.'' I touch the material gently. ''This is beautiful.'' I can't take my eyes off it.

''I know, bought it just for you.'' I roll my eyes at her words and she's immediately trying to explain herself. ''I got it for less than you think I did.''

''I'm sure you did.'' I say sarcastically.


''So what?'' I shake my head.

''So are you going to wear it?''

I shrug my shoulders, feeling bad. ''I don't know.''

''Do you like it or not?''

''I do, but-''

She shakes her hands in front of me. ''Leave the 'buts' alone. You like it, so you're wearing it. End of the conversation.''

I smile at her and mouth a little 'okay'.


Another short one but I didn't want to combine this chapter with the next one, so call it a filling one.

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