Chapter three

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The city of New York was busy as always. With the traffic, the opening stores and the voices of different people in the atmosphere.
Peter had always wondered how much a small city could fit so many people. But then again, it did have the tallest buildings in the United States, reaching up-to three times the hight of two houses and even more when put together.
It was on these buildings that Peter climbed on to in order to patrol the city, hiding behind every shadow when darkness approached.
"Parker! " the voice of McFury echoed in his ear through the ear piece , causing him to lose balance of how he placed himself on the wall.
"ahh morning to... You.. Too? " Peter sounded back hesitantly, trying to ease the mood.  But what Peter already knew and had forgotten was that fury was not cool with jokes on the job.
"you're late" fury fumed.
"late... Late for.. Wait I'm late? " Peter asked after checking his watch. The shield board had told him that he would be expecting a new partner since the old one 'masterio ' turned out to be a villain. Today was supposed to be the day he was to meet this new partner and he was already late.
"she's been waiting for you. You have fifteen minutes " fury said and logged out not knowing that he had left Parker on seen with many questions unanswered.
"she's waiting " Peter thought to himself. So that must have meant that his new partner was female. Fury did mention that his new partner was someone near or close to his age. But he had not imagined himself, fighting crime with a girl.
Not that he had any problem with that. Actually, Peter was a big fan of the 'opposite side of the human race ' as he phrased it. It was just that the thought of a woman wasn't the first thing in his head.
He reached base, getting through the shield facility through the open source.
Walking into central command he heard and saw a familiar figure going through the plans of how to take down the next villain on the loose.
" the above Air Force is made to come in contact with anyone that gets in " she said.  He got closer and his eyes widened.
Peter could recognize her anywhere. Her voice, her hair, her confidence in the way she spoke with her Russian accent.  Sweet and simple but with command. It was the girl he had met a week ago in the bar.
Everything about her was the same and she flaunted her authentic nature to be raw so flawlessly. It was amazing.
Fury saw him come in which meant loss of focus from both parties .
"Spider Man, great you're here. Now both of you deal with this by the time I get back or you won't be going on a date this weekend " fury said in his deep voice ,sounding calm and instilling. But Peter knew that fury was everything but calm.
"ahhhhmmm... Should we be worried " Yelenah finally spoke, breaking the silence between the two.
"yep.. His not so good with words if things don't go his way " Peter responded giving the young blonde a shiver for a while.
"well, we better get to work " Yelenah said, trying to move the subject.
Peter looked at her as she typed away on the mother board. Not giving him any unneeded attention. Then he remembered that he was now Spider Man and not Peter Parker.
A feeling of lowness filled his entire mood and  Yelenah could feel it.  She stopped typing and looked at him for a while then went back to typing again.
"so if we really wanna get death trap on the spot, we should probably infiltrat his main layer, what do you think " she asked him. But even she could see that his head wasn't on his neck straight.
"Peter?.. What is it with you? " she asked him again but instead of spiderman she called him by his name
Peter could hardly breathe. Non of what he had heard made sense.
"what did you call me? " he whispered to her and she looked away from the computer and back at him. It was at that moment that she realized what his question was. The gaze in his eyes gave it all away. She was definitely not supposed to call him that.
"oh my God. I  am so sorry. please  don't tell fury" she pleaded making her baby face even more attractive. Peter could not take it any more. He backed up away from her and went to the training grounds,leaving Yelenah in central command.
This could not have been good. Not good at all. How did she know he was Spiderman. As far as he was concerned, no one that knew, not even fury would give away his secret identity.
And to make matters worse Peter was not even sure if he could trust her or not. He didn't know anything. He was just a kid with  a crush when he was around her.
"hey.. What did you do to barbie over there" Atlantis asked him .
She had just tried to greet Yelenah when she stormed passed her and into middle space, where her room was.
"oh no.. were is she? " he asked sounding worried. He was so focused on his self that he had not taken time to think of how she was or how she knew.  He just left her there to answer the unanswered questions.
"her room.. Why? " Atlantis said clearly not understanding what was going on.
Peter didn't stay to fill her in. He just pushed Atlantis aside and headed for middle space.
Reaching the door to her room,he knocked. Of course he could easily get in. But that wasn't what was important at the moment.
"go away.. I'm busy" she said clearly but with tears in her voice. Yes. Peter could hear her tears and they echoed into his heart, breaking it as she sobbed.
"Yelenah please.. Open the door and let's talk about this " he begged, hoping to reach an agreement with her.
At first their was silence. Then the metal silent door opened.
"can I come in...miss widow " he said jokingly.
"ahh can you go to hell.... Mr spider" she responded causing him to laugh just for a  while. Mr spider. she let him in and he closed the door behind him ,looking straight into her green blue ish eyes once again.
Peter could not place it in his head what he found so captivating about her eyes . All he knew was that he could stare all day if she'd let him.
"please stop staring and tell me what you want " she said finally, with her eyes to the ground. Peter could see that she was blushing but he wasn't there to point it out to her.
"how did you know my name " he asks frantically.
"I'm sorry... Aren't you the one that told me" she sassed. He kept his eyes on her face without looking away.
"not that Yelenah. You know what I'm talking about " he said and she sighed deeply like a little kid.
"fine... Your voice" she said
" voice " he stammered. Peter could have sworn she was joking or lying or anything but he scanned her truth,goodness and intelligence rate immediately and found no such thing at that moment. Not even evil.
"and... Your hight and just about everything " she finished. Peter was relieved and surprised at the same time.
"so you just think I'm peter" he asked, trying to dilute what she already knew.
"no... I know... Come on Peter, do you really think I'm that dumb" she told him and looked away.
"I still don't understand something... How"he asked still flabbergasted.
"I don't know... I just do.. It's so obvious. Wait, people actually fall for it.. The mask" she questioned as he nodded.
It was true. People did easily for for the mask.  Even mj fell for it before falling for Peter Parker. So the fact that Yelenah could remember Peter and see through Spider Man today was eye catching. Even for the web shooter.
"well don't feel bad, you Americans don't need much to get distracted " she said, patting his shoulder.
Peter did not know weather to  laugh or cry at her diss. For all was worth,  she was right. She proved that today.
"so are you gonna tell fury? " she asked and somehow ,Peter found the right words to say this time.
"no.. Are you crazy " he responded out of instinct.
"well I have been called that... " she said then he cut her off
"no I cannot tell fury. Neither you nor I can tell anyone about my secret identity " he told her.
"okay.. I get it giesh...but doesn't he know  .oh wait, he's American " she slurred.
"well yeah he does. He's one of the  smart Americans " he said almost laughing. The gestured look on her face intrigued him into this behavior.
"but regardless, he can't know that you know.. Or you're out of here " he warned. His expression more serious than ever.
Yelenah found it adorable that he was so focused on making sure she was not in harms way.
"wait.. I'm out of here? What about you ?" she asked sounding  a bit offended.
Peter picked up on her tone and settled smooth.
"well I mean... I  ,ahh, you" he stammered. His words had suddenly abandoned him.
"oh I see. You think you're way more important than me " she sassed using her perfectly manicured nail to push onto his chest. He moved at the feeling of the pressure applied with force.
She wasn't stronger than him but he did have a little fear of her when she begun to show off her anger.  Now he could see the resemblance between her and Natasha.
"that because you have super powers, that makes you better than me " she asked him.
"no it's not like that at all... Even Atlantis has powers but she'd be treated the same way " Peter breathed out the words like his life depended on it.
This time he had  reached the  wall and they were now face to face and inches apart.
He watched as she slowly backed up, not wanting to make it wired as it already was.
"hey.. I'm sorry. What I meant to say was we'd both be dead meat" he finally said and her expression changed. She smiled politely and told him to wait for her at base so they could work on catching death trap.
It was a little trick he learnt from both Tony and his uncle about women.
'when things get crazy, just say.. Sorry.. To her, it's like a  magic word' Tony would  say.
He laughed silently, remembering these words as he headed back to central command.

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