chapter thirteen

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As the two got closer into addina's domain, the light started to fade . Strange was wrong. Addina didn't leave in a cave, but a castle covered up in dark molds.
" I can't believe your father sent us here" Yelenah complained, brushing off the little dust off her shoulder.
"he's not father. Let's just get the stone and get out " Spider Man said coldly. Yelenah noticed the coldness in his attitude and deliberately stood in front of him.
"what" he asked, confused at what Yelenah was doing. The blonde had always been a puzzle to him since the day they met. She never, not even once gave him a hint on what was on her mind.
" you" she said sharply.
"me? " he asked.
"yes.. Why are you acting weird lately " she said .
"Yelenah, we don't have time for this. Might I remind you that we are in one of the most dangerous layers in history " he questioned . He then pushed her to the side and continued walking on.
"never mind, I'm sure only MJ would understand " she said to herself but loud enough to be heard.
Spider-Man stopped in his tracks as she passed by him.
What did she mean? How did she know and if she did who told her. He had made sure to get rid of the later the minute she found it.
"ele" he said silently ,walking out to her.
"look ...this must be it"she,showing him a green glowing stone.

"so it must.. Isn't it beautiful . I made it myself. The gem of Affrodite."said an amplified female voice. Yelenah and Peter raised their heads backing away to what seemed like the goddess herself.
" we're here to stop you addina ...what you wanna do is wrong " Peter yeld.
"what im doing is wrong? So it's okay that he brought something that he pleasures most back to life but when I do its wrong. Peter.. That doesn't sound fair " she said, still floating in the air.
"enough of this.. " Yelenah said and aimed at her with her lightneen gun made out of magic. Strange made it during the infinite war.
Addina went flying down from the sky and on the ground.
"you... You're not like the other mortals. You're different. Nevertheless " she said throwing a purple glowing mist at her.

Peter hit her with a lot of webs causing her to miss her aim at Yelenah.
"don't you dare touch her" he yeld at her in frustration. Peters voice echoed through the walls of the tower as he charged at her . But before he could reach, there was a blur in the way things started to appear. He moved back a few steps trying to breath.
"Peter! " he heard Yelenah's scream fade in his ears.
"ele" Peter said powerlessly.
"man.. He never really changes does he? But for one is a spell that can be broken on him. " addina's voice was still clear but he could not see her.
"Yelenah " he screamed for Yelenah's location. But it was no use.
"over a thousand times of the love offered and over a thousand times given back... By one" she said and Peter fell to the ground.
Yelenah lost all control and hit addina behind her back and the former persona had become nothing but an ash of dust.
"Peter! " she said, running towards his powerless unconscious self.
She nealt down and there he was.
"Peter get up... Come on, up.. let's go " Yelenah broke into tears as she put her face closer to his.
"please... I'm scared" she whispered lightly.
" it's okay. I won't hurt you " he said weakly. His breath brushed her nerves as he moved his body trying to get up.
He pushed some hair behind her ear.
"here's the stone, " she said handing it to him.
"oh.. Yeah. Let's get this to strange" he said . Yelenah helped him up and they started off to the tower were the doctor was found .
"thank goodness. You're ok" Wanda said hugging both of them. Peter walked up to his father and emotionessly gave him the stone.
"thank you " he said
"save it.. Yelenah let's go. Bye wanda" he said giving his mother a kiss on the cheek.
"stop right there, young man" Wanda said suspiciously. Peter turned around to face the witch and wizard.
"you felt it too, right. I thought I was the only one " strange flashed out.
"felt what.. What is he talking about " Peter asked, looking at wonda.
"there is a spell caster on you son. If we're lucky we can break it by looking for addina so she can devolve it" doctor strange said.
"you, don't call me that. You, explain " Peter said very directly to his parents.
"an asylum seekers spell. With a thousand repeatation in the process. " Wanda said looking at Stephen as she placed her hand on Peter's fore head.
"that won't be possible. Let's just find addina and get the spell out of her. " he responded to her.
"strange! " Wanda gasped surprised at his response.
"what that's the only way.. It's not like there's a female out there that could agree to this" he finished.
"well that will be a problem because.. Addina is dead. I didn't know, I just " yelenah said, interrupting them. "why do you need her again? what's going on " she asked
"that's a good question ele. Mom, Dad " Peter said, talking to Wanda and Stephen.
" she put you in an asylum seekers spell. That's magic for 'lust psycho ' . " Wanda said . She looked into one of doctor stranges spell books and flipped a page.

"so basically.. If you don't have sex a thousand times before the last moon... Your soul will be hers and you'll be cursed with an uncontrollable urge to have sex forever. " doctor strange said.
"but addina is gone... How are am I gonna break it" Peter said concerned .
"I'm sorry.. Did you not hear a word I said. " strange said in frustration. He then took a deep breath and breathed out again.
" find a girl. One girl. That's gonna you know " strange trailed off
"a thousand times for one month . Are you insane. Not even my wife would agree to that " Peter exclaimed.
"well then it's a good thing you don't have one " his father phrased out turning away.
"I knew I shouldn't have helped you. Now I'm stuck like this. " Peter yeld at him.
"Peter please. His still your father. " Wanda said calmly. Peter looked at her and felt a ease. He then passed by Yelenah trying to go to the other room but Yelenah grabbed him and pushed him in front of her.
"its OK. I'm sure we'll get through this. Ok" she said and his heart beat changed pace .usually he'd ignore it but there was something about how it hit his core that made it impossible at this moment.
"Peter.. Are you ok? " Yelenah asked in concern. She helped him sit on a chair to adjust himself.

"yeah.. Just a little distraction. " he answered.
"hey... I have an idea but Yelenah... " Wanda said pulling Yelenah close to her." I'm gonna need your help. Peter is gonna need your help " Wanda said. Strange looked at her and already knew what she was up-to.
"is it gonna work " he asked.
"it better. Or I'll make you regret you made me a mother strange. Cause this is your fault"wanda threatened. The doctor wondered why she was full of threats and warnings when she mostly talked to her.
"mom.. What are you saying. " Peter asked her.
"Yelenah has to be the one . Shes the only one thats always available. So you won't struggle over it. And she relates with you positively." wanda concluded.
" seriously.. " Yelenah questioned. Wanda opened her mouth to respond but Peter beat her to it.
" no... Yelenah, you don't have to do this. Wanda please " Peter begged his mother, feeling for the blonde that stood beside him.
"Peter it's the only way. " Wanda said.
" I don't care. Yelenah is not doing this to herself. " he defended her. Peter was not ready to get Yelenah into his curse.
"Peter.. " Yelenah said getting his attention. Peter looked back at his friend .
"ele... No" he said as he cupped his cheek.
" it's okay Peter. I can do this. I promise " she assured him.
"Yelenah. " he said
"I promise " she contradicted.
"for a month right.. " she asked turning to Wanda . Wanda nodded her head and Yelenah turned her head back to Peter.
"let's go... " she said to Peter.

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