chapter fifteen

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It had been four weeks ever since the break into addina's cave. Peter's curse was almost broken. They have had sex 999 times already. The final time would be today. Peter could not wait but he knew he had to. Yelena did not seem to be in such a hurry with it after all.
Peter's phone rang signalling that someone was trying to get through to him.
"arent you gonna get that? " she said rolling out of bed. Yelena seemed cold every time she highlighted that fact. Peter guessed it was annoying her. She was easily annoyed by things after all.
"yeah.. Just a minute " he answered, getting up to reach his phone. He looked at the caller ID and saw the last person he needed to see. Why was she calling her? Hadn't Peter erased her from his life?
Peter looked over at the blonde haired girl in his bed. He knew she saw who was trying to call. No wonder she had been so cold. He had to explain this. But how? She wouldn't understand. So he opted for the one thing that would shut this down forever. Facing his passed so it would go away permanently.
"just go " he heard her say sadly,reading his mind. Peter knew that Yelenah had no idea why he had to go see MJ but he knew she wouldn't care to listen either. She was too enraged to see that, Peter knew it.

"ele" he attempted to reach out for her shoulder as she lay besides him in bed, facing the other way

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"ele" he attempted to reach out for her shoulder as she lay besides him in bed, facing the other way. But Yelenah would not let him. She brushed his hand away and got out of bed and into the bathroom. Peter shut his eyes in pain. He hated that he was the one to make her feel this way.
He walked out of the room and out of the house.
The drive back to the main city was long. Yelenah's place really was a safe heaven. But now he had to talk to MJ, his passed Yelenah and clear his thoughts.
"Peter Parker?... Thank God. I thought you wouldn't come" MJ said ushering him into her apartment.
"yeah, it's not like you gave me a choice. What do you wanna talk about " he asked getting straight to the point. Peter did not want to waste time. A letter to this girl already stired so much tension between him and his ele. Imagine what coming here had done at this moment. "I know that I haven't seen you since high school but, ever since Yelenah and I became friends, I've been having wired dreams about you " she said as quick as possible.
Peter sat down, taking in every last bit of word that she had said.
"you have .. What are the dreams about? " he asked.
"the kinds ,that have made me believe that you were more than just my high school mate" MJ answered.
"yeah that's true. But there is a reason why I didn't come back MJ " he continued to tell her. Her curious face portrayed a kind of scare that only someone who had lost someone would get.

"I know

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"I know... Ele" she said, after taking a deep breath. She was scared. The memories of the past had taken a huge tow on her. Peter knew how much MJ loved him.
"no.. Not even her. The reason is that you and I were not meant to cross paths. I fell in love with an illusion of what I knew I should have had but it wasn't you MJ " he said to her. He got up and moved closer to her, trying to get the attention of her misguided self. MJ was broken but prepared. Peter could read all this.
"I understand. If anything, you are a very fortunate man peter" she replied.
"really, how so" Peter asked not seeing what she was getting at.
"not everyone gets the chance to have the whole world shift just so they could meet the right one. I'm happy for you " she finished.
"thanks ." he smirked.
"how's your love life anyway "Peter asked her finally.
"you know, just... Waiting for that one " she responded very modestly.
Peter nodded his head in understanding. He was glad to have faced his passed but something told him that he had to look at his present and future.
"I know you wanna go to her. Hurry already " she said pushing him to the curve.
"yeah. You are right. " he admitted and started for the door .
"it was nice meeting you " she said to him before he opened the door.
"same" he said and smiled, closing his door behind him.
When he reached Yelenah's place, he found her making lunch while listening to one of his favorite song of which she had no idea was his favorite song at that time.
"but if the world was ending
You'd come over right " she sang, her soprano harmonic voice competing with the radio.
"the sky be falling while I hold you tight
No there wouldn't be a reason why
We even have to say goodbye " Peter finished the verse causing her to startle. He had no idea that she didn't know he was in. Her reaction gave him a sense of curiosity and wonder. She was just like a baby. But then she grabbed his arm without looking at his face thenflipped him upside down and he landed on his back side.
"Peter . You idiot.oh my God, are you ok " she asked trying to help him up. Peter didn't know weather she was concerned or angry. In other words, she expressed both emotionally. She was an actress at her finest.
"yep fine.. That was my fault " Peter responded to her, still recovering from his hurting side.
"good.. How was your visit. Did she agree to take you back " Yelenah asked. Her eyes were locked on the chicken she was preparing so Peter couldn't see her expression. but God knew exactly how she felt.
"ahh it was cool but that's not why I went there" he replied simply wrapping his arms around her waist.
"really.." she said not really paying attention to him. Her concentration was glued to what she was cooking.

"yeah, that smells good, can I taste" he said reaching out to the pot on the stove

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"yeah, that smells good, can I taste" he said reaching out to the pot on the stove.
"nope, why not Spider-Man " she asked after hitting his hand with a cooking stick. She was being sarcastic .
"ouch! Because I have something that tastes way better " he said attempting to lick the cooking stick.
"well that's too bad coz I'm never letting eat for before I'm done cooking. " she said. This time she hit his arm harder than the last time.
"ooouuuch! OK. You'll pay for that" he warned seductively,grabbing her waste. Kissing her neck to neck, Peter managed to make her drope her cooking.
"but Peter the food. " she said lol, letting out a moan.
"I think Ive already told you that I have something that tastes way better " he said in a husky voice. Peter turned off the stove and carried the girl to the house master bedroom.

"I love you ele" he said practically not breathing

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"I love you ele" he said practically not breathing.
"wait.. What did you say? " she said trying to pick the right words.
"yes ele.. I do. I really love you " he finished.
"I have loved you even more and before you could " she told him looking him in the eyes. Peter did not need any further invitations. This was his moment, not just to break the curse but to show her how much of him she deserved and even more.
He was hers and she was his and God forbid anything could change that.
      THE END😊😊😊

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