Chapter 10 - The fight

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Vanessa's POV

"What do you want, amore mio?" Rick asked seductively and caressed my thighs slowly.

"You. I want you," I confessed honestly.

My charming boyfriend spread my legs apart widely, giving me a wicked smirk, and positioned his hard cock at my entrance.

I cried out his name and squeezed the sheet tightly as he slammed into me. Then I wrapped my legs around his waist, pulling him towards me while burning in desire, and wrapped my arms around his neck. He gave me a cocky smirk and reclaimed my lips.

Rick entwined our hands above my head while pounding into me harder and deeper. I arched my back, moaning as he bit my neck.

My handsome Italian grabbed my hip tightly as he held my wrists above my head in a grip and accelerated his pace, making me moan louder.

A few minutes later, I came again, screaming his name out like a mantra. After a few thrusts, my boyfriend followed me and came, trembling.

"I love you, amore mio," Rick said, panting as he collapsed onto me and placed a soft kiss on my shoulder.

"I love you too," I admitted honestly, caressing his bare back.

I was leaning my head on his chest, lying on the bed while Rick was stroking my hair smoothly and placing soft kisses on my hair. I kissed his chest, breathing in his masculine scent, and caressed his bare chest affectionately, enjoying myself in his arms. Then I rested my head on his chest again and tightened my arm around his waist. I wished I could stay in his arms like this forever.

"Where are your parents?" he asked after placing a tender kiss on my hair.

"They went to Italy. My mother used the opportunity that my father..., Jack and his father have a meeting with some businessman there and went on a vacation. Maybe, you know the businessman too. I heard he is a well-known person in Italy and Sicily. He is Castelli or something like that," I replied, caressing his chest gently as I lifted my head up slightly.

Rick gulped as his face paled. "Umm... No, I don't know him," he mumbled, running his hand through his hair, and leaned against the headboard. "What... What is he doing with him?" he asked, giving me a questioning look while looking anxious.

No, Nessa. Why does he have to be anxious after hearing some businessman's name?

"Partnership. They want to work with him, but as much as I heard Castelli isn't willing, but they hope to convince him." I shrugged my shoulder nonchalantly. "I don't want talk about them. Let's enjoy our time together," I suggested, leaning towards him, and kissed him.

Rick wrapped his arms around me and deepened the kiss, pulling me into his arms, making me straddle him.

I grinned in amusement without separating our lips and ran my hands through Rick's hair. As I pressed myself against his bulge, he groaned, squeezing my derrière.

I traveled my hand along his chest and reached to his shaft, making him moan loudly. I smirked, self-satisfied, enjoying my effect on my charming boyfriend.

"Another round?" I asked mischievously as I grabbed his shaft and started caressing it gently, making him moan.

Rick smirked devilishly. "How can I refuse to this mind-blowing offer, amore mio?" he commented seductively as he grabbed a handful of my hair and smashed his lips against mine.

I moaned into his mouth and kept moving my hand up and down on his shaft. He squeezed my hip with his free hand and wrapped his arm around my waist.

"I want to be inside you," he confessed hoarsely, breathing heavily as he pulled back slightly, full of desire in his eyes. I nodded, smiling, and watched him to grab a foil while holding me against him by wrapping his arm around my waist firmly.

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