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Vanessa's POV

"Rick, calm down," I said softly, resting my hand on his arm.

"I am sorry, Prince." Arturo gave him an apologetic look.

Rick heaved a loud sigh and walked away, resting his hands on his hips. When I wanted to approach him, I felt sharp pain in my stomach. I screamed in pain, holding my bump.

"Nessa!" Rick exclaimed in panic and rushed towards me. He helped me to stand, leaning me against him while Arturo looked at me worriedly.

My eyes widened in shock as I felt water running down my legs.

"Rick..." I said in panic and looked at him with teary eyes.

"What happened?" he asked anxiously.

"My water just broke!"

Rick and Arturo's eyes widened in shock. Rick gulped as his face turned white as a sheet and he cursed in Italian.

"Rick, what will we do know?" I asked in panic while sobbing.

"Everything will be fine. I am here. Don't worry. We will go to the hospital as soon as Mario arrives with the help," he assured me and scooped me up in his arms. "Call Mario and ask where they are," Rick ordered Arturo and carried me towards the bed.

He put me on the bed carefully and sat down beside me. I squeezed his hand tightly, screaming as I felt another sharp pain in my lower stomach.

"I am here, amore mio," he said softly and placed kisses on my hair.


I was caressing my son's chubby cheek affectionately while my little prince was sleeping in my arms peacefully. Fortunately, we arrived at the hospital in time, and Alessio was healthy and in safe.

The last few hours had been in blur. Mario and the others arrival, the way to the hospital and my son's birth. Rick told me I lost my consciousness on the way to hospital, and he freaked out thinking something bad would happen to me or our son.

Fortunately everything passed. My precious jewel was in my arm now, and he was in safe.

I smiled tenderly as my boy furrowed his eyebrows in his sleep, looking like his handsome Sicilian father when Rick was grumpy.

A few minutes later, the door opened, and Rick walked into the hospital room. He gave me a dazzling smile and approached us.

After placing a chaste kiss on my lips, my Sicilian leaned towards our son, and kissed his forehead, caressing his little hand gently.

"How are you?" he asked softly and stroked my hair tenderly.

"Fine." I gave him a bright smile. "What did Mario say?" I asked curiously.

Rick heaved a loud sigh. "I am sorry for dragging you into my mess," he said apologetically and sat down beside me. "I wouldn't forgive myself if something bad happened to you or our son," he added sadly and held our son's chubby hand.

"Rick, don't say it. It isn't your fault. Jack is my mess, not yours. I dragged you into my mess when you wanted to stay away from this world," I stated firmly and gave him an apologetic look.

"If I didn't involve you into my revenge..."

"We couldn't be together again, and Jack would keep turning my life into hell as well as our son's life," I commented, cutting him off.

He gritted his teeth as his muscles tightened. "I promise I will set the seal on it. He can't try to hurt you again," Rick stated, determined, giving me a reassuring look.

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