Chapter 30 - Bloody day

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Rick's POV

"It hurts. I... I need to sit," Vanessa mumbled, grabbing my arm tightly.

"Come on. I will help you to sit down," I said worriedly and helped her to walk towards the couch.

She leaned back against the couch, pursing her lips together while resting her hand on her stomach. I sat down beside her on the couch, grabbing her hand, and caressed her hair tenderly.

"I will call the doctor, or we can go to the hospital," I said anxiously.

"No, it happens sometimes. Don't worry. It will pass," she mumbled and took deep breathes, closing her eyes.

I breathed deeply, trying to calm down, and rested my hand on her belly.

"Hey little boy, what happened?" I asked softly, caressing her belly gently. "Don't scare us like this," I added, smiling while stroking her baby bump, and looked at Vanessa. She gave me her dazzling smile.

Suddenly, she screamed in pain and pursed her lips together.

"Cramp again?' I asked worriedly.

"No, he kicked hard," she replied warmly and caressed her belly affectionately. "He often kicks when he hears you. He likes your voice," she added, smiling.

"Oh..." I mumbled, surprised and rubbed the back of my neck without knowing what to say.

"I will go to my room. I am fine now, but it will be better if I rest," Vanessa informed me and wanted to stand up.

"No, don't go. Lie down here. You are alone in your room. What will you do if you feel bad again?" I commented firmly and stood up.


"No buts. I will help you lie down," I stated firmly.

Once she lay down on the couch, I covered her body with my jacket.

"If you need something, tell me. I will work while you are resting." She nodded, giving me a warm smile.

I was working on my laptop and checking Vanessa from time to time while she was sleeping peacefully.

Suddenly, my phone vibrated, interrupting my thoughts. I put it on silent mode; so it didn't ring and wake up Nessa.

"Yes?" I said in a low tone as I picked up the phone.

"I talked to Luke. Jack sent him to Mexico again. He is going back tomorrow. He will inform us about what Jack and Vincent decided about your condition. They were trying to convince Charles; he is still against it." Mario informed me.

"Alright," I whispered.

"Where are you? Why are you talking in a low tone?" he asked curiously.

"Home. When are you coming back?" I asked, changing the subjects.

"I will arrive in a few minutes. I want to talk to you. It is important."

"Fine, I am in my study room. And don't knock on the door, just come in," I told him and hung up the phone without letting him ask questions.

I placed my phone on the desk and looked at Vanessa; she was still sleeping. I always liked watching her sleeping.

A few minutes later, the door opened and Mario walked in. He looked at the direction where I was looking at before closing the door behind him. A mischievous grin appeared on his face as he saw Vanessa sleeping in the couch.

"Stop grinning!" I warned him in a low tone, annoyed. "What do you want to talk about?" I asked, intrigued.

"It will be better if we talk later; I don't want to wake up Vanessa. And I will let you enjoy the view more," he replied and winked at me before leaving the room.

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