Chapter 18 - The difficult decision

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Vanessa's POV

"Don't do anything to Rick, please." I begged while tears were running down my cheeks uncontrollably.

"Whatever happens to him will be your choice, love," he said mockingly.

My throat tightened as despair shattered me. I nodded without managing to say anything.

"Great! I will wait for you here. And don't dare to do anything stupid," he warned me firmly.

After wiping the tears off my cheeks, I opened the door and walked out of the door barely, Rick gave me a charming smile and approached me. He rushed towards me happily and hugged me tightly in his arms. Then he cupped my cheeks and placed a soft kiss on my lips. As he wanted to pull back slightly, I hugged him back tightly and breathed in his scent as my heart tightened while thinking about that it was our last hug.

"Where is your suitcase?" Rick asked, puzzled.

I wrapped my arms around myself as I felt cold despite the fact the weather was warm, and I bit my lower lip, averting my gaze.

"I... I won't go with you," I mumbled while trying to hold my tears back. It felt like I was dying.

"What?" he asked, stunned.

"I won't go with you. I changed my mind. And... I... I can't continue this anymore," I said while my heart shattered into pieces.

"Is it a joke?" Rick asked warily. "Nessa, does anyone threaten you? Tell me, please, amore mio," he asked worriedly, resting his hands on my arms.

"No. It is my decision. I... I don't love you anymore."

I am sorry, Rick.

Please forgive me. It is for you. I won't let Jack do anything to you. You are the love of my life.

He looked at me in shock and pulled his hands away. "No... You are lying." Rick shook his head vigorously and ran his trembling hand through his hair. "Are you afraid of your father?" he asked, concerned, looking me in the eyes. "Don't worry. I will protect you. I won't let anyone hurt you, amore mio. You are my everything. I love you so much." He cupped my cheeks, leaning his forehead against my forehead.

I closed my eyes while I felt like I couldn't breathe anymore. I felt numb all over my body.

"I can't. It isn't because of my father," I mumbled as I pulled back and pursed my lips together, trying to hold my tears back.

"I don't believe you. It was yesterday when you told me you loved me, and we decided to run away together. How could your feelings change over night?" Rick asked, unconvinced, full of pain and sadness in his eyes. "Tell me. Who is threatening you?" he asked, clenching his fist. "Your father? Jack? Or someone else?"

I breathed deeply and shook my head. "No one."

"Nessa, stop lying! Tell me!" Rick exclaimed, irritated, grabbing my arms.

"Rick! No one is threatening me. It was good to be with you, but running away with you... You can't provide the life I used to, Rick. I don't want to spend the rest of my life in a small apartment," I said while my heart sank. He looked at me, stunned. "You were just an adventure to me. I can't give up on my luxurious life for a some affair. You can't give me the life I am used to," I resumed, trying to hide the devastation in my voice.

I clenched my fist tightly, digging my nails into my palm while looking at my Rick's eyes. Seeing him hurt crashed my heart, but I didn't have another choice. I wouldn't let him die because of me. It was better to know that he was still alive than to see him die even if we weren't together anymore.

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