Chapter 25 - The secret heiress

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Vanessa's POV

"Mario, take Vanessa to her room," Rick ordered him firmly, ignoring the woman's question.

Mario nodded and approached me while I was staring at the woman, frozen. Meanwhile, she rested her hand on Rick's arm and brushed her lips against his lips as soon as she approached him.

My eyes widened in shock when Rick wrapped his arms around her waist, cupping her cheek, and deepened the kiss, kissing her feverishly. Almost sticking his tongue down her throat.

Mario called me in a low tone as I didn't move an inch, stunned. I couldn't compare which was more painful: hearing his hurtful words or seeing him kissing another woman.

As seeing them kissing became unbearable, I rushed out, feeling nauseated.

I hate him. I hate him and this woman.

Tears ran down my cheeks while my heart was aching. I felt cold, and it felt like I couldn't breathe properly. Suddenly, my head spun.

"Are you okay?" Mario asked, worried as he caught me before I fell down.

I shook my head and took deep breaths. "I... I need to lie down," I mumbled, dizzy.

He nodded without releasing me and helped me to walk towards the room where they kept me.

Rick's POV

As soon as Vanessa and Mario left the study room, I grabbed Rosa's arms and pushed her back.

"Wow! It was intense," Rosa commented and ran her tongue over her lower lip seductively.

"Why did you come?" I asked dryly, resting my hand in my pocket.

"I came to see you," she replied provocatively as she approached me and started unbuttoning my shirt.

I grabbed her wrists, stopping her, and asked in annoyance. "What are you doing?"

"Continuing what we started," Rosa purred and placed a soft kiss on my chest.

"Rosa!" I exclaimed angrily and pushed her back. Then I started buttoning my shirt.

She sighed, irritated. "Why don't you want to give us a chance? I thought... So you kissed me because of her," she commented, offended and gritted her teeth angrily. "By the way, what is she doing here? Does your father know about her presence here?" Rosa asked curiously, giving me a questioning look.

"It is none of your business," I stated angrily. "And there won't be anything between us," I clarified firmly.

Rosa grinned, amused. "You told me it before as well, but..." she paused, giving me a knowing smirk while approaching me slowly. "Do you want me to remind you what happened here when we were in your study room alone last time?" she whispered in my ear seductively, resting her hand on my chest, and kissed my neck.

I breathed deeply, pulling back, and mumbled. "It was a mistake."

"You have repeated these kinds of mistakes the last few weeks." Rosa smirked wickedly. I gritted my teeth, giving her a death glare. "Riccardo, I won't let anyone take what is mine," she stated firmly, stroking my cheek tenderly while looking me in the eyes and placed a chaste kiss on my lips before leaving the study room.

Damn it!

I cursed under my breath and kicked the chair angrily.


"Where are you going?" Mario asked me as I got in my car after telling the bodyguards that I would go alone.

"I need some fresh air," I replied nonchalantly.

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