Chapter 15 - The trap

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Rick's POV


"You will stay out of it. Dad and I will handle it."

"Of course, you and Dad. But you forgot that I am a Castelli too," I commented angrily.

He sighed and rested his hand on my shoulder. "Ricky, we just want to protect you."

I gave him a mocking smirk. "As always the same tune. But I am bored with it. Just admit that you and Dad don't trust me," I stated angrily and stormed out, slamming the door behind me.

When I approached my car, my father's two henchmen wanted to accompany me, but I told them I was going alone.

"But, Don Antonio..."

"I told you I will go alone!" I exclaimed in annoyance, emphasizing each word, cutting him off. They looked at each other, hesitating, and nodded, walking away.

As soon as I got in my Ferrari, I started the car and left, leaving dust behind me. Then I called Mario.

"I told the guys the mission is canceled," he told me as soon as he picked up the phone.

"There is no such thing. It is the opportunity to get them. I want to see Nico and my father's faces when I throw that bastard in front of them. Then they will stop treating me like a child," I stated, determined.

"But if Domenico..."

"Mario! Choose your side!" I cut him off angrily.

"Of course, I am with you, Riccardo," he said firmly.

"Great then! I will be there in a few minutes," I informed him and hang up my phone.

As soon as I parked my car in front of three black cars, I got out of my car. Mario immediately approached me and told me that everything was ready.

After giving the guys my instructions, we got in the cars and went to the destination.

Once we reached at our destination and checked the place from afar, we didn't see anyone. Probably, they hadn't arrived yet.

We got out of the cars and approached the warehouse carefully.

"Pull your guns down and raise your arms up."

In a second, a group of armed men surrounded us.

"Damn it!" I exclaimed angrily. Domenico was right. It was a trap.

"Well! Well! Well! Who is here?!" The son of our enemy gave me a sarcastic smirk, pointing his gun at me.

"Dimitri!" I exclaimed between gritted teeth.

"Put your gun down, Castelli," he warned me, giving me a victorious smirk.

Suddenly, we heard gunshots in the air.

"You put down your gun, Dimitri," my brother demanded as my father's henchmen pointed their guns at Dimitri's men.

"Only in your dreams." Dimitri gave my brother a devilish smirk and suddenly, shot at me.

"Riccardo!" my brother exclaimed worriedly and rushed towards me. Meanwhile, I cursed under my breath, dropping my gun down, and pursed my lips together in pain, holding my arm. "You fucking bastard!" Domenico said furiously.

I tried to grab my gun and shoot at that Russian bastard, but my brother shot him in the shoulder before me. Dimitri groaned and collapsed onto the floor, grabbing his shoulder in pain. Meanwhile, their and our men were shooting at each other.

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