Chapter 24 - The fallen angel

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Vanessa's POV

I ruffled my hair nervously, thinking how I could escape from this place. Antonio Castelli kept trying to ruin my father, Jack and his father's businesses and reputation after Rick... Riccardo's death.

Jack, Charles and my father got arrested a few times, getting into a trap again and again. I heard from my mother that they even lost a few important projects and a lot of money as well.

Despite the fact there was no evidence that Antonio Castelli was behind everything, everyone knew that it was his revenge plan. On the other hand, I couldn't blame him; Jack killed his only son. Moreover, seeing Jack suffering made me happy.

Serves him right!

However, I would do everything to protect my baby; he was so innocent. So had to do everything that neither Antonio Castelli nor his henchmen found out about my pregnancy. If Antonio found out that I was pregnant, he would think it was Jack's baby and try to hurt my son for revenge.

I pulled my hand away from my belly nervously while my heart was in my throat as someone started unlocking the door.

"Who are you? Where am I?" I asked in fear as two tall men in black suits walked into the room.

"You are in Sicily. I think there is no need to answer who we are," the dark haired man replied mockingly.

"Sicily?" I mumbled anxiously. How would I go back? We weren't even in New York. "Why did you bring me here?" I asked, trying to hide fear in my voice as much as possible.

"You will find out soon, bella." He gave me a cocky smirk and trailed his finger along my neck.

"Don't touch me," I snapped, disgusted and pulled back.

He chuckled sarcastically. In a flash, he grabbed my chin and pushed me back against the wall roughly, looking at me angrily.

"Lower your tone when you are talking to me, bella," he warned me in a bossy tone while there were a few inches between our lips.

"Carlo! Let go of her now!" a man in a white suit shirt and black trousers demanded firmly as soon as he walked into the room.

"Mario, I... she is a bitch," Carlo mumbled nervously, releasing my chin immediately.

"If you try to do something bad to her, the boss will take your head off," Mario warned him with an intimidating expression on his face.

Carlo mumbled something under his breath and walked away from me after giving me a death glare. Then Mario approached me.

"You will be our guest for a while. I will send someone to bring you something to eat," he informed me nonchalantly.

"How long will you keep me here? Please let me go. I didn't do anything." I gave him a begging look.

"You will leave when the boss will let you," he replied firmly and walked towards the door.

"Please let me go," I pleaded, following him, but they left and closed the door before I could approach them.

Damn it!

I chewed on my cuticle, pacing back and forth while thinking how I could run away. Firstly, I had to escape from this place. Then I would call my father to ask his help. He would do everything to bring me back to New York; he became so protective of me after finding out about my pregnancy.

In a few minutes later, the door opened, and the man, who came with Carlo here earlier, walked into the room, holding a tray in his hand.

"I need to use the bathroom," I lied as he put the tray down on the bed.

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